8 February 2008 New approach for MEMS scanning mirror for laser projection systems
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Fraunhofer IPMS already demonstrated a technology for resonant 2D MEMS scanning mirrors, where the resonant driving principle has been established for mirror and frame. Using frequencies of 2500 Hz for the frame and 28 kHz for the mirror full color laser projection systems have been developed. Multiple Lissajous patterns are needed for the generation of one picture. Thus efficiency and frame rate are limited. Recently, a new approach has been invented: still a resonantly moving mirror is used for the fast movement but the frame is driven by a quasi-static drive. Among the several driving mechanisms possible the piezoelectric drive is the most promising. By choosing appropriate piezoelectric materials MEMS process integration is feasible. Besides a quasi-static deviation to generate pictures further options arise. The picture generation algorithm can be simplified if the movement along the rows is stepwise and the movement back is one fast step. This saw tooth like motion could be achieved through the high frequency response of piezoelectric materials. The setup of the chip is similar to the existing 2d scanning mirrors: Inside the mirror with an area of 0.25 to 9 mm2 is mounted on two spring bearings to the frame and resonantly driven through comb structures. The frame bearing to the chip is realized through flat bending actuators. Either the position change has to be considered at the picture generation or a layout has to be designed in a way that ensures a Pivot point in the middle of the mirror.
© (2008) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Heinrich Grüger, Jens Knobbe, Michael Scholles, Harald Schenk, and Hubert Lakner "New approach for MEMS scanning mirror for laser projection systems", Proc. SPIE 6887, MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems VII, 68870L (8 February 2008); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication and 10 patents.
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Projection systems


Microelectromechanical systems


CMOS technology



MEMS scanners for display and imaging applications
Proceedings of SPIE (October 25 2004)
Scanning micromirrors: an overview
Proceedings of SPIE (October 25 2004)
Scanning laser beam displays
Proceedings of SPIE (April 25 2008)
Two-axis micromirror scanner
Proceedings of SPIE (July 02 1999)

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