12 July 2008 Six movements measurement system employed for GAIA secondary mirror positioning system vacuum tests at cryogenic temperatures
Gonzalo Ramos Zapata, Antonio Sánchez Rodríguez, Daniel Garranzo García-Ibarrola, Tomás Belenguer Dávila
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In this work, the optical measurement system employed to evaluate the performance of a 6 degrees of freedom (dof) positioning mechanism under cryogenic conditions is explored. The mechanism, the flight model of three translations and three rotations positioning mechanism, was developed by the Spanish company SENER (for ASTRIUM) to fulfil the high performance requirements from ESA technology preparatory program for the positioning of a secondary mirror within the GAIA Astrometric Mission. Its performance has been evaluated under vacuum and temperature controlled conditions (up to a 10-6mbar and 100K) at the facilities of the Space Instrumentation Laboratory (LINES) of the Aerospace Technical Nacional Institute of Spain (INTA). After the description of the 'alignment tool' developed to compare a fixed reference with the optical signal corresponding to the movement under evaluation, the optical system that allows measuring the displacements and the rotations in the three space directions is reported on. Two similar bread-boards were defined and mounted for the measurements purpose, one containing two distancemeters, in order to measure the displacements through the corresponding axis, and an autocollimator in order to obtain the rotations on the plane whose normal vector is the axis mentioned before, and other one containing one distancemeter and one autocollimator. Both distancemeter and autocollimator measurements have been combined in order to extract the information about the accuracy of the mechanism movements as well as their repeatability under adverse environmental conditions.
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Gonzalo Ramos Zapata, Antonio Sánchez Rodríguez, Daniel Garranzo García-Ibarrola, and Tomás Belenguer Dávila "Six movements measurement system employed for GAIA secondary mirror positioning system vacuum tests at cryogenic temperatures", Proc. SPIE 7010, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2008: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter, 70104N (12 July 2008); Logo
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Optical alignment

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