25 August 2008 In plane optical sensor based on organic electronic devices
Marc Koetse, Peter Rensing, Gert van Heck, Ruben Sharpe, Bart Allard, Fokko Wieringa, Peter Kruijt, Nicole Meulendijks, Henk Jansen, Herman Schoo
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Sensors based on organic electronic devices are emerging in a wide range of application areas. Here we present a sensor platform using organic light emitting diodes (OLED) and organic photodiodes (OPD) as active components. By means of lamination and interconnection technology the functional foils with OLED and OPD arrays form an in-plane optical sensor platform (IPOS). This platform can be extended with a wireless data and signal processing unit yielding a sensor node. The focus of our research is to engage the node in a healthcare application, in which a bandage is able to monitor the vital signs of a person, a so-called Smart Bandage. One of the principles that is described here is based on measuring the absorption modulation of blood volume induced by the pulse (photoplethysmography). The information from such a bandage could be used to monitor wound healing by measuring the perfusion in the skin. The OLED and OPD devices are manufactured on separate foils and glass substrates by means of printing and coating technologies. Furthermore, the modular approach allows for the application of the optical sensing unit in a variety of other fields including chemical sensing. This, ultimately enables the measurement of a large variety of physiological parameters using the same bandage and the same basic sensor architecture. Here we discuss the build-up of our device in general terms. Specific characteristics of the used OLEDs and OPDs are shown and finally we demonstrate the functionality by simultaneously recorded photoplethysmograms of our device and a clinical pulseoximeter.
© (2008) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Marc Koetse, Peter Rensing, Gert van Heck, Ruben Sharpe, Bart Allard, Fokko Wieringa, Peter Kruijt, Nicole Meulendijks, Henk Jansen, and Herman Schoo "In plane optical sensor based on organic electronic devices", Proc. SPIE 7054, Organic Field-Effect Transistors VII and Organic Semiconductors in Sensors and Bioelectronics, 70541I (25 August 2008); Logo
Cited by 7 scholarly publications and 1 patent.
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Organic light emitting diodes




Organic electronics


Optical sensors


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