2 December 2008 Analysis and application of remote sensing data in a severe convective storm in Hunan, China
Xiaoyu Huang, Yuan Chen, Hongwu Liu, Ronghui Cai, Ximing Shi
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A severe convective storm with thunder, shower and gust as well as hailstone in Hunan province, China on April 8, 2008 was investigated using the remote sensing data such as FY-2C satellite, Doppler radar and automatic surface weather network. The results show that 1. The previous warmer weather provided abundant unstable energy, and the vertical wind shear, thermo-dynamic factors are favorable for severe convection. 2. The mesoscale torrential rain clouds triggered by the tail of front-cyclone clouds caused the event. 3. The phenomenon that the thunder storm clouds were triggered by frontal cyclone clouds was revealed clearly by FY-2C satellite image. Cloud-Derived Wind image indicated the strong divergence at the high level. 4. The PPIs manifest as the isolated massive echoes, and the intense echo cores of storms is higher than 65dBz at the 3-6km altitude on reflectivity vertical section, the echo higher than 50dBz located at 9km high-level and the temperature is approximately - 30°C, the echo top height is higher than 12km. the PPIs at different levels show that the character of "three-body scattering spike" at 16:18, 16:36 and 16:54 respectively, namely typical character of hail echo. 5. For velocity, at the low and middle altitude, there were the cyclonic convergence and divergence at the high altitude.
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Xiaoyu Huang, Yuan Chen, Hongwu Liu, Ronghui Cai, and Ximing Shi "Analysis and application of remote sensing data in a severe convective storm in Hunan, China", Proc. SPIE 7154, Microwave Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Environment VI, 715404 (2 December 2008);
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