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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 715801 (2009)
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 715802 (2009)
We propose a different pulse pair Brillouin optical time domain analysis (DPP-BOTDR) for centimeter or sub-centimeter
spatial resolution using meter equivalent pulses. It is based on a pair of different pulses with small pulse width difference
(much smaller than each of the pulse width). The process is analogous to the high pass filter which amplifies short stress
section and provides high spatial resolution for the distributed Brillouin sensor using the large pulses (tens of
nanoseconds) and extinction ratio of more than 30dB. This new approach achieves the centimeter spatial resolution over
fiber length of kilometers with low pump and probe power. Using a pair of 50ns and 48ns pulses we achieve the spatial
resolution of 2ns equivalent spatial resolution for two stress section of 50cm and separated by 1m fiber over 1km sensing
length. The strain resolution is equivalent to 2.6MHz Brillouin frequency shift. The spatial resolution is determined by
the convolution of the bandwidth of the detection system and pulse width difference. The signal to noise ratio of the
sensor difference is also related to the pulse width difference.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 715803 (2009)
The lithography ion-exchange method of producing the gradient index micro-cylinder lens with gradual focus is
presented. The lens is developed for the coupled shaping of the pump beam of side-pumped disk fiber laser, its main
purpose is to make the LD beam which coupled into the ring disk container and the radial of the ring disk container have
a certain angle, and ensure that all the pump beams couple into the interior of the ring disk container through the thin slit
of the side. The micro-cylinder lens with different shapes can be obtained by the special designs of ion-exchange
windows. The focused spot of the parallel beam passed through the lens is a special curve with required setting.
Consequently, the lens also adapt to other applies with gradual focus. The experimental results coincide with the design.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 715804 (2009)
According to the preparation of tapered fiber hemispherical micro-lens by hybrid etching and melting, a geometric
calculation model for fabricating hemispherical micro-lens at the end of optical fiber by melting tapered flat fiber end
into hemispherical fiber end has been developed. If the taper diameter and taper angle are obtainable, the radius of
hemispherical micro-lens of the fiber taper after melting can be calculated. Particularly, hemi-spherical micro-lenses of
optical fibers with various radii can be fabricated by etching-cleaving-melting method. According to the linear
relationship between etching fiber diameter and etching time, as well as the characteristic of fiber volume maintaining
constant before and after electric arc melting, the relationship between the radius of fiber hemispherical micro-lens and
etching time was deduced in this paper. Through controlling the etching time precisely after calculating the etching rate,
which is determined by the sampling and analysis of the etched fiber, the hemi-spherical micro-lenses with different
radius at the fiber ends can be produced. The experiments were conduct to test the operability of this method. The results
showed that radii of micro-lenses fabricated by the etching-cleaving-melting method made a good coincidence with the
designed radius values of 10µm and 20µm.
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Shouyue Wu, Jianming Hu, Xiaoping Jiang, Desen Liu
Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 715805 (2009)
The method of producing the orthogonal micro-cylinder lens arrays on the two surfaces of the glass substrate with ion-exchange is
presented. The former and latter arrays are used for beam shaping of the fast-axis and slow-axis of LD respectively. In this paper, the
ray transfer matrices of the optical system have been obtained, the numerical calculation results coincide with the experimental results.
This numerical calculation results have a good role in guiding the design of micro-cylinder lens arrays and the optimization of
ion-exchange process.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 715806 (2009)
Microcavity lasers with whispering-gallery modes (WGMs) are potential light sources for photonic integrated circuits.
However, the direction emission and output power are greatly limited for microdisks with the WGMs confined by total
internal reflection. Deformed microdisk with chaos mode light rays or evanescently coupled waveguide were used to
realize directional emission microlasers. Different from the microdisk with traveling wave WGMs, confined modes in
triangle and square microcavities are standing wave WGMs. So the confined modes can still have high Q-factors if an
output waveguide is directly connected to triangle and square microcavities at the position with weak mode field
distribution. Based on theoretical analysis and numerical simulation of the mode characteristics, we fabricate directional
emission triangle and square InGaAsP/InP microcavity lasers with an output waveguide directly connected to the
resonators by standard photolithography and inductively coupled plasma etching technique. Continuous-wave (CW)
electrically injected InGaAsP triangle and square microlasers are realized at room temperature for the triangle
microlasers with side length from 10 to 30 μm and the square microlaser with the side length of 20 μm.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 715807 (2009)
We present the 1.3-μm InAs quantum dot (QD) vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) with novel planar
electrodes configuration. The lasing wavelength is around 1274 nm. The lowest threshold current of wafer level device is
~1 mA, which corresponds to a low threshold current density of ~1.3 kA/cm2 or 76 A/cm2 per QD layer. The maximum
output power of 1 mW can be obtained at room temperature. High temperature stability can be seen in temperature
dependence L-I characteristics of InAs QD VCSEL 3-dB modulation frequency response of 1.7 GHz can be obtained in
the small signal response measurements.
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Yi Deng, Fei Ying, Xin-guo Cheng, Zheng-hua Ye, Xiao-ning Hu
Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 715808 (2009)
HgCdTe infrared detector is designed to operate at cryogenic temperatures, so vacuum baking is a required process for
out-gassing in packaging of devices. As HgCdTe material, as well as ZnS passivation layer is sensitive to heat induced
changes, this process may be problematical for HgCdTe devices even at relatively low temperatures. We try to solve the
problems of heat instability by the fabrication of CdTe/ZnS double passivation layers. The effect of vacuum baking is
investigated through current-voltage (I-V) characteristics. We have compared the effects on devices with different
passivation layers. We have also compared the photodiodes fabricated on MBE grown HgCdTe on GaAs substrates and
LPE grown HgCdTe on CdZnTe. The devices were passivated with electron beam evaporated CdTe and ZnS and the p-n
junction was formed by ion-implantation. Through the analysis of I-V characteristics, we found that the devices
passivated with ZnS cannot afford vacuum baking even at 70°C, while the CdTe/ZnS- passivated devices can afford up
to 110°C temperature and the performance improved. After only 4 hours baking, the dynamic resistance of ZnS
passivation devices began to decrease and 10 hours later the zero-bias dynamic resistance (R0) decreased nearly 3 times.
Further baking of 110°C sees the maximum dynamic resistance of CdTe/ZnS passivation devices increase 2 to 4 times.
An insight into the mechanisms and parameters that are affected by vacuum baking is also gained by resistance-voltage
(R-V) curve fitting. The results also indicated the baking effects on LPE grown HgCdTe devices are almost same to
MBE grown HgCdTe devices.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 715809 (2009)
Experiment of a lateral semi-insulating GaAs photoconductive semiconductor switch (SI-GaAs PCSS) with different
electrode gaps triggered by 900nm semiconductor laser is reported. With the biased voltage of 0.2KV~3.0KV, the linear
electrical pulse is outputted by SI-GaAs PCSS. When laser energy is very low, the semi-insulating GaAs PCSS with
1.5mm electrode gap is triggered by laser pulse, the output electrical pulse samples is instable. When the energy of the
laser increases, the amplitude and the width of the electrical pulse also increase. It indicates that a stable electrical pulse
is obtained while laser energy is high. With the biased voltage of 2.8kV, the SI-GaAs PCSS with 3mm electrode gap is
triggered by laser pulse about 10nJ in 200ns at 900nm. The SI-GaAs PCSS switches a electrical pulse with a voltage up
to 80V. The absorption mechanism by Franz-Keldysh effect under high-intensity electric field and EL2 deep level
defects is discussed.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71580A (2009)
The optical waveguide switch utilizing the principle of total internal reflection (TIR) is a promising structure since its
merits such as compact size, digital response characteristic, insensitivity to wavelength and polarization, and so on. In
this paper the TIR switch is studied both in theory and in experiment. At first, we give a comprehensive analysis about
reflection mechanism in the TIR switch from the following three issues: the grazing incidence of a narrow beam in the
free space, the beam reflection in a bounded space, and the beam expansion induced by the reflection in a two-dimensional
gradient field of the refractive index decrease. Then based on the analytical works, we successfully fabricate
practical TIR switches by utilizing the thermo-optical effect of polymer and the carrier injection effect of GaAs (both the
current injection and the photon injection manners are employed). The testing results show that: the extinction ratio of
the thermo-optical TIR switch exceeds 35 dB at an power consumption of 80 mW; for the carrier injection TIR switch
utilizing the current injection manner, its operation speed is faster than 20 ns and its operation current is about 70 mA.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71580B (2009)
Study of bend loss of curved optical waveguides is a fundamental subject in field of curved optical waveguides design
and fabrication. In order to decrease the bend loss of curved optical waveguides efficiently, a number of strategies are
proposed. In this paper, we give out a new strategy to reduce bend loss of curved optical waveguides by modifying its
cross section. The principle of this strategy was discussed and the simulations using beam propagation method was
given. This new method is useful and practical in design of curved optical waveguides. Especially, it is more effective in
situations that the radius of curvature of the waveguides and the refractive index of materials were set beforehand.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71580C (2009)
With the development of the infrared focal plane detectors, the internal noises in the infrared focal
plane arrays (IRFPAs) CMOS readout integrated circuit gradually became an important factor of the
development of the IRFPAs. The internal noises in IRFPAs CMOS readout integrated circuit are
researched in this work. Part of the motivation for this work is to analyze the mechanism and influence
of the internal noises in readout integrated circuit. And according to the signal transporting process,
many kinds of internal noises are analyzed. According to the results of theory analysis, it is shown that
1/f noise, KTC noise and pulse switch noise have greater amplitude in frequency domain. These noises
have seriously affected the performance of output signal. Also this work has frequency test on the
signals of a readout integrated circuit chip which is using DI readout mode. After analyzing the
frequency test results, it is shown that 1/f noises and pulse switch noises are the main components of
the internal noises in IRFPAS CMOS readout integrated circuit and they are the noises which give a
major impact to the output signal. In accordance with the type of noise, some design methods for noise
suppression are put forward. And after the simulation of these methods with EDA software, the results
show that noises have been reduced. The results of this work gave the referenced gist for improving the
noise suppression design of IRFPAs CMOS readout integrated circuit.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71580D (2009)
Using the birefringence properties and the electro-optic effect of LiNbO3 crystal, an optical 90°-hybrid
with 2 input ports and 4 output ports is designed in this paper. The new optical hybrid consists mainly of two
pairs of LiNbO3 crystal plates with the same sizes, the modulating electrodes and a polarization analyzer. One
pair of LiNbO3 crystal plates split incoming signal beam ES and local oscillator beam ELO into four light
beams and the other mix them into two synthetic beams. By adjusting applied voltage on the LiNbO3 crystal
plates, 4 output ports from the polarization analyzer give the narrow mixed beams with a relative phase shift
90°. The optical hybrid has the advantage of low losses and good stability of the phase shift. It has the great
potential for wide applications in free-space coherent laser communications and laser radar.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71580E (2009)
A novel lensed fiber for side-coupling of a single-mode(SM) optical fiber and the corresponding fabrication method were
proposed, which makes the coupling assembly more compact and easy to integrate and package. The novel lensed fiber
mainly composes of a portion of SM optical fiber and a portion of coreless optical fiber. The two fibers are jointed by
fusing splicing. The end of the coreless fiber is shaped to have a 45 degree angled end face and polished to form a
contoured curved surface. Then the contoured surface is coated so it acts as a curved reflective surface. Besides, the
cylindrical surface of the coreless fiber acts as a second curved surface. The two curved surfaces compose a pair of
equivalent cylindrical lens. After being focused by the equivalent cylindrical lens pair, the output spot size is comparable
to the mode field radius of the SM optical fiber. Matrix optics was used to analyze the output beam parameters of the
proposed lensed fiber structure. Simulation results showed that the proposed lensed fiber can bend the beam with 90
degree and make a focused spot on its side with a small spot size close to 6µm, which is suitable for fiber to
photodetector chip side-coupling applications.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71580F (2009)
Using chirped phase mask to fabricate chirped fiber Bragg gratings (CFBG) is a very important method. In this paper, a
linearly chirped phase mask with the period of 1000nm in the center, ruled area 100×10mm2 and 1nm/mm chirp rate has
been fabricated by a new technique, which combines holographic-ion beam etching and reactive ion beam etching. This
involves two main steps: formation of a grating mask by holographic interference exposure and development, and
transferring it into the substrate to form a permanent phase mask by both ion beam etching and reactive ion beam
etching. Experimental measurements show that the zero order diffraction efficiency is less than 2% and the plus and
minus first-order diffraction efficiency is more than 35%; the nonlinear coefficient is 1.6%. Theoretical analysis also
indicates that these phase masks can be used to fabricate the UV written CFBG.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71580G (2009)
Recent progress in research on polymer photonics is reviewed in this paper, including new concepts of polymer-based
photonic materials, components and devices. Novel polymer photonic materials developed in our photonic research
group, polysiloxanes (named as PSQ-Ls), are reported, including two kinds of PSQ-Ls, named as PSQ-LL and PSQ-LH.
These polymer photonic materials are of a liquid and can be cured by UV light irradiation or by heat. The
characterization of the optical films and waveguides based on the novel polymer materials, including refractive index,
birefringence, optical loss and thermal stability, is given in detail. By blending PSQ-LL and PSQ-LH, the refractive
indexes can be tuned linearly from 1.4482 to 1.5212 at 1310nm and from 1.4478 to 1.5198 at 1550nm. The birefringence
is below 0.0005 with the variation of PSQ-LL content. These materials exhibit low optical losses of 0.31dB/cm at a
wavelength of 1310nm and 0.70dB/cm at 1550nm, and high thermal stability with 1% decomposition temperatures of
297°C (in air) and 340°C (in N2) for PSQ-LH, and 313°C (in air) and 370°C (in N2) for PSQ-LL. Optical waveguide
components such as micro-ring resonators and waveguide gratings based on PSQ-Ls are fabricated by
photolithography-etching method and by UV imprint technology, respectively. The experimental measurements show
that the polymer-based micro-ring resonators exhibit an excellent resonant filtering function. Potential applications of the
polymer-based micro-ring resonators for optical communications and optical sensing are discussed.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71580H (2009)
The properties of truly confined modes of a 2D hex horizontal photonic crystal slot slab waveguide are analyzed. Then
the dispersion of liner defect waveguide is calculated. In addition, what influence the slots with different height have
over the band structure and the group velocity dispersion of the defect mode waveguide are analyzed. Based on these
studies, an ultra-compact silicon-based Mach-Zehnder amplitude modulator is proposed. For a design with almost
negligible first order chromatic dispersion in an optical bandwidth of 1THz, we predict a modulation bandwidth of
40GHz and a length of about 80µm. This is achieved by infiltrating an electro-optic polymer into a slotted photonic
crystal waveguide, the strong field confinement in slotted waveguides and the slow light interaction enhancements
provided by the photonic crystal waveguide, where group velocity and dispersion may be controlled.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71580I (2009)
A new time domain sensing scheme using a compact single abrupt taper-based standard single mode fiber Mach-
Zehnder interferometer is proposed, tested and simulated. The interferometer consists of cascaded symmetrical abrupt 3
dB taper regions separated by a middle interfering section. After the interfering middle section, the cladding modes are
converted back into core mode. Due to the external stimuli applied to the interferometer, change of refractive index and
the optical path length are induced, resulting in phase difference of core and cladding modes, and hence, the output
optical signal in the time domain. The proposed scheme promises a simple and sensitive approach to optical sensing.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71580J (2009)
Using a short optical pulse with finite extinction ration (ER) in Brillouin optical time domain analysis (BOTDA)
system can achieve high spatial resolution and frequency resolution at the same time. However, the fluctuation
after the pulse generated by the pulse generator can result in a same fluctuation to the optical pulse modulated by
electro-optic modulator (EOM). Theoretical and experimental results demonstrate that this fluctuation can result
in a reverse peak which has a 60MHz dip in the detected Brillouin spectrum. This makes it impossible to
perform the sensing successfully when the Brillouin frequency shift (BFS) induced by the strain or temperature
is within the dip. By adjust the DC bias of the EOM and the power of the electrical pulse, the influence of the
fluctuation is eliminated successfully. A 15MHz BFS induced by strain on 20cm section over a 50m fiber is
successfully detected with a frequency error of 0.8MHz.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71580K (2009)
In this paper, a design of demodulation system applied to Fiber Bragg Grating sensor will be illustrated. This system is
based on the principle of Fiber Bragg Grating strain sensing; therefore this applied system has the following
characteristics: high sensitivity, high precision, low cost and so on.
Demodulation system bases on the traditional matching method, and uses the two matched Fiber Bragg Grating parallel
mode. Just because of this, it improves on a certain extent compared with the traditional one. The two Fiber Bragg
Gratings are pasted on Hollow Aluminum Cantilever respectively so as to realize the high precision and the large scale
strain demodulation.
This paper proves the following theory through the academic analyses and experimentation, that is: pasting Fiber Bragg
Grating on Hollow Aluminum Cantilever can improve the response sensitivity. During the process of matching,
increasing the load on the Hollow Aluminum Cantilever, when the qualities of load cannot beyond the limited quality,
there is a good linearity relation between the change of load's quality and the change of wavelength. The limited quality
comes from the experimentation. The experimentation proves that the structure of two matched Fiber Bragg Grating
parallel can increase the range of strain which can be measured largely, and at the same time this structure can solve
double-value problem which exists in the ordinary matching method. The strain sense signal through the two parallel
demodulation Fiber Bragg Gratings into data processing circuit. The single chip processes the data from the data
processing circuit and works out the strain which is detected by Fiber Bragg Grating sensor.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71580L (2009)
Sampled and linearly chirped fiber Bragg gratings provide multiple wavelength responses and linear group delays
(constant dispersions) within each of the wavelength channels. We show that the sampled and chirped fiber Bragg
gratings can be used to perform multiwavelength signal processing. In particular, we demonstrate, by numerical
simulation, their use for performing real-time Fourier transform (RTFT) and for pulse repetition rate multiplication
(PRRM) simultaneously over multiple wavelength channels. To present how the sampled fiber Bragg gratings perform
the multichannel optical signal processing, a 9-channel sampled fiber grating with 100GHz channel spacing was
designed and the effect of ripples in both amplitude and the group delay channel on the performance of the signal
processing was examined and discussed.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71580M (2009)
A new type of the intelligent real-time protection device is developed, which is supposed to better adapt to the physical
layer protection of the mesh optical network. By means of converting the optical signal into the electric ones, the
real-time online optical power data of the optical fibers are sampled and processed by the protection device, so the
working state of the mesh optical network is obtained. By communicating with each other, the protection devices placed
at each node of the mesh optical network can figure out the backup lightpath of each primary fiber in advance, and then a
backup lightpath route table will be dynamically established and maintained by each protection device. Whenever the
failure of the primary fiber occurs, the protection device will immediately switch to the backup lightpath by driving the
optical switch matrix according to its backup lightpath route table. The intelligent real-time protection device for mesh
optical network is a kind of real unattended intelligent real-time online monitoring and protection device for the physical
layer of optical network, which is enabled to meet the requirement of the development of the mesh optical network. So
the transparent uninterrupted communication of the mesh optical network could be achievable by applying the proposed
intelligent real-time protection device.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71580N (2009)
Passive phase locking of multiple fiber lasers by using a common all-fiber ring cavity is proposed and demonstrated. The
cavity is chiefly composed of multiple 2×2 fiber couplers, which are insets of component fiber lasers of an array. The
common ring cavity not only acts as a ring filter for mode selection and stabilization of component fiber lasers, but also
provides a common channel for mutual injection coupling among them. We have demonstrated efficient phase locking of
multiple Erbium-doped fiber lasers with linear and ring resonators based on the common ring cavity configuration, and
obvious interference patterns and stable coherent output have been observed in experiment. The power transmission and
resonance properties of the ring cavity are investigated theoretically by the intensity and amplitude addition methods.
The research results indicate that increasing the coupling ratio of fiber couplers can increase the coupling strength, and
decreasing the loss of the common ring cavity can increase both the coupling strength and combining efficiency. Finally,
the phase locking mechanism of the presented scheme is discussed, and we believe that the phase locking array forms a
composite resonator on account of the common ring cavity, and the array achieves phase locking states through mutual
injection coupling among component lasers.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71580O (2009)
Double-clad rare-earth-doped fiber laser is a new generation of high power solid-state lasers. The numerical simulation is
an important approach in the configuration design and parameter optimization for the high power fiber lasers (HPFLs).
In this paper, we report our user-friendly high-power fiber laser simulation software system, which integrates the design,
analysis and optimization functions together. The numerical simulations of the software are with the HPFL model based
on the rate-equation theory. By using the theoretical model, for specific laser cavity configuration, doped fiber
parameters and pump conditions, the distributions of the population inversion, forward and backward pump, and
circulating lasing intensity along the doped fiber can be calculated, and thus, the main output characteristics, such as
cavity gain, output power and laser efficiency, can be achieved accordingly. On the basis of the simulation results, the
software supplies the functions developed for designs and optimizations of the pump configuration, doped fiber length
and the reflectivity of output mirror. By combining the calculated mode-field distribution in doped fibers with the
mechanism of curvature loss to suppress the higher-order modes, the software also supplies the function for optimizing
the beam quality. With graphical user interface (GUI), all the functions of the software are provided function tools in
menu options, especially for those which may be used frequently, toolbar buttons, shortcut keys and pop-up menus are
also provided. The software is with single-document interface (SDI) and coded in C++ in the integrated development
environment of Visual C++ 6.0. We believe it would be very helpful for the investigation and development of HPFLs.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71580P (2009)
Laser imaging radar has the unique capability to generate 3D images of objects, which is widely used in the civilian and
military fields concerning target detection and identification. The imaging simulation for 3-D laser radar is presented to
help in the design of the future laser radar systems and gauge their performances. Each stage from the laser source to the
3D image generation has been modelled, including the models of the laser emitted pulse, atmospheric effects, reflection
properties of the target surface, discrimination methods and the returned signal. Moreover, the three-dimensional CAD
description of the target is established for imaging simulation. The simulation produces the simulated 3D images for a
pulsed laser radar and allows to understand the influences of the phenomena leading to the final image under a variety of
conditions. Finally, a collection of imaging simulations with one changing parameter at a time is implemented to
illustrate the good possibilities of the simulation.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71580Q (2009)
We present a phase feature extraction technique for weakly polarized organic compounds in THz-RTDS by taking the second derivative of the phase of the signal beam with respect to frequency. In
nitrogen purged environment this method doesn't require any reference. In real scenarios, a reference
beam is applied only to remove the influence of atmospheric attenuation. This method offers a
straightforward and speedy way to retrieve the absorption features in the reflection spectrum without
the presence of the amplitude of the THz pulse or the settlement of a reference surface. It opens the
pathways for the application of a more un-conventional THz emission mechanism and extends the
capability of THz sensing technology into more practical sensing and imaging situations.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71580R (2009)
In this paper, the imaging ability of terahertz wave in time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) imaging system is assessed
by using the step-by-step scan imaging method to four small structures: thread, dots, round hole, and square on the focus
of the imaging system. We utilize THz-TDS energy imaging model to acquire the energy distribution of terahertz wave
passing through the different small structure, which can be use as a criterion of imaging ability. Theoretically, terahertz
imaging technology possesses highly spatial resolution because the size of spot is inversely proportional to the
frequency. Our experimental results also show that THz-TDS technology has a preferable spatial resolution on the
millimeter scale. In addition, a more delicate and smooth image can be obtained by means of the nearest neighbor
interpolation algorithm. A method to measure the size of target is provided. These results are important references for the
further terahertz spectroscopy imaging research.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71580S (2009)
The terahertz(THz) fingerprint spectra of Ephedrine Hydrochloride and Papaverine Hydrochloride have been measured
using THz time-domain Spectroscopy (THz-TDS) system in the region of 0.2~2.6 THz. To explain the spectra, both
gas-phase simulation methods and solid-state simulation methods were performed in the efforts to extract pictures of the
molecular interior vibrational modes. By comparing the results of various gas-phase simulation methods, It was found
that using the semi-empirical theory is more applicable than the density functional theory (DFT) for some chemical
compounds. In the solid-state calculations, solid-state density functional theory (DFT) was employed to obtain the
vibration frequencies and Difference-Dipole Method (DDM) was used to calculate the corresponding infrared (IR)
intensity. In the process of calculating the IR intensity of Papaverine Hydrochloride in terahertz range, we found that the
results by Hirshfeld partitioning method agree better with the experiments than the ones derived from Mulliken atomic
charges. Moreover, the accuracy of simulation results depends on the basis sets and grid size being chosen.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71580T (2009)
We present a terahertz (THz) imaging system with a Backward Wave Oscillator (BWO). BWO Continuous-Wave
THz imaging is a new approach to non-destructive testing. Many materials that are opaque to visible and infrared light
are transparent to THz radiation. THz wave image provides a higher spatial resolution than microwave image by having
much shorter wavelength. It also poses no known harm to living organisms, making it a safe and powerful imaging
technology. Unlike pulsed THz imaging, BWO THz imaging only yields intensity data without providing any depth,
frequency-domain or time-domain information about the subject. However, in most cases the energy plots are sufficient
for identification of targets. In exchange for the loss of depth, time-domain and frequency-domain information, BWO
imaging offers a simple, fast and relatively low-cost system. In this work we show a simple Terahertz (THz)
2-dimentional scanning imaging system utilizing a BWO source tunable from 0.52 to 0.71 THz and a pyroelectric sensor
detector operated in THz range. The sample is placed on an X-Z two-dimensional stage controlled by a computer. The
intensity information of the terahertz wave after passing sample is collected. Two-dimensional image of the sample is
obtained by raster scanning the sample in X and Z directions. A number of potential imaging applications are
demonstrated using the 0.71 THz radiation, including nondestructive real-time testing for campus debit card and various
articles contained in an envelop. And we present the digital image processing based on the result of the imaging system.
This work reveals that a BWO THz imaging system is very practical, effective and promising in nondestructive
identification and security inspections applications in future.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71580U (2009)
We present a reference-free transmission spectroscopy of two kinds of aminophenol (Tyrosine and Phenylalanine) using
terahertz time domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS). The THz band, which refers to the spectral region between 0.1 to 10
THz, offers a plethora of fingerprints of many chemical and biological materials. Within the past few years, efforts have
been focused on exploiting the broadband nature of the THz time domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) system for material
identification and characterization. The conventional spectroscopic sensing method involves measuring both the
terahertz signal carrying the sample information and a reference terahertz signal. In transmission geometry measurement,
the absorption peaks of the sample material are found by taking the logarithm of the power spectrum of the transmitted
signal beam divided by a reference power spectrum. In this work, we propose a reference-free approach to extract the
absorption feature in THz transmission spectroscopy. The samples are identified by their absorption peaks extracted from
the negative first-order derivative of the sample signal phase divided by the frequency. Unlike in conventional
transmission spectroscopy measurement, in this method, the amplitude spectrum of the terahertz signal is not considered
at all. Instead, the absorption features are extracted exclusively from the phase information by taking advantage of the
almost-linear phase spectrum of terahertz pulses and the correlation between dispersion and absorption. It is also noted
that the spectral phase of the terahertz pulse can be determined with far greater accuracy than the amplitude, which
makes this method even more favorable. We measured two kinds of aminophenol (Tyrosine and Phenylalanine), and
calculated the absorbance spectrum of each by both methods: taking the ratio between the power spectra of the sample
signal and the reference signal and the reference-free phase spectrum of each material. The agreement between the
positions of the absorption lines calculated from both methods indicates that the reference-free method is valid.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71580V (2009)
We present a novel feature extraction technique for identification of explosive and biological materials
using terahertz reflective time domain spectroscopy (THz-RTDS). The absorption signatures of the
materials are extracted directly from the derivative of the amplitude reflectance without measuring the
phase shift caused by the sample's height. This technique provides a straightforward and fast solution
to solve the phase-retrieval problem in RTDS and will benefit the future development of standoff, large
size focal-plane THz sensing and imaging system.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71580W (2009)
THz spectra of two pure materials and some mixed explosive materials and the theoretical analysis results are introduced.
The refractive index and absorption coefficient of the samples are measured in the region of 0.2-2.5 terahertz by
time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS). The absorption spectra are obtained correspondingly. The obtained results
indicate the THz-TDS technology can identify the different explosives and roughly analysis the main ingredients of the
mixed samples.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71580X (2009)
Waveguide ring resonators are key elemental devices for wavelength filters, optical switches, lasers and optical sensors.
In order to control the finesse and notch depth of the resonator, the coupling ratio needs to be varied widely and
accurately. A novel thermooptic polymer ring resonator integrated with a tunable directional coupler was theoretical
analyzed. Polymer materials with different thermooptic coefficients were chosen as the core and cladding layers of
waveguides. The structure of the directional coupler was optimized to achieve large tuning range of coupling ratio. The
finesse, notch depth and the resonant frequency peak of the resonator can be controlled precisely by temperature. The
coupled-mode theory (CMD) and beam propagation method (BPM) were used to simulate the characteristics of the
tunable directional coupler. The transmission spectra and loss characteristic of the resonator are also discussed in detail.
This device can be used to improve the performance of integrated optical gyroscope (IOG) and other resonator-based
photonic integrated circuits.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71580Y (2009)
A novel polycarbonate (PC) was introduced to apply in the optical waveguide devices. PC has following distinct merits
than common polycarbonate: good processability, high thermal stability up to 293 C°; and high optical transparency.
Optical properties of absorption behavior and propagation loss were investigated in slab waveguides, and low
propagation losses of 0.335 dB/cm (@1550nm) and 0.197 dB/cm @632.8nm) have been achieved by using prismcoupler.
Additionally, straight optical waveguide and MMI coupler of ring resonator were fabricated using ultraviolet
(UV) cured resin Norland optical adhesive 61 (NOA61) as under or upper cladding layer and polycarbonate as
waveguide core-layer material through conventional methods such as spin coating, photolithography and reactive ion
etching (RIE). The process was studied in detail and the experimental results were given.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71580Z (2009)
This paper reports the ray trajectory and coupling efficiency of a GRIN ball lens and the functions of the ray trajectory in
the rectangular coordinate and coupling efficiencies are given. According to analyzing the ray trajectory and coupling
efficiencies, the focus performances inside/outside and at the surface of GRIN ball lenses are explained and
accordance with them of the Maxwell fisheye lens, the Luneburg lens, and the generalized Luneburg lens.
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Hao Lv, Aimei Liu, Jufang Tong, Xunong Yi, Qianguang Li
Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 715810 (2009)
The long lasting phosphorescence glass spheres doped with Eu2O3 and Dy2O3 were prepared under the reducing
atmosphere and characterized. XRD analysis indicated the glass spheres exhibited the typical diffraction peaks of
SrAl2O4: Eu2+, Dy3+. The emission spectra of the glass spheres showed broad bands peaking at 510nm. The excitation spectra of the glass spheres showed broad bands ranging from 300 to 480nm. These are believed due to the 5d4f→4f
transitions of Eu2+ in the SrAl2O4: Eu2+, Dy3+ phosphors. The afterglow luminescence of the glass spheres excited by a
40W fluorescence lamp for 30min can be observed in the dark for about 15h with the naked eye.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 715811 (2009)
Utilizing terahertz time domain spectroscopy system, we have characterized the electromagnetic
response of a planar array of split ring resonators (SRRs) fabricated upon a high resistivity GaAs
substrate. We discuss the phenomena of resonant transmission and absorption experimentally, and
analyze the factors that affect the frequency of the resonant transmission peak. Free charge in metal
rings occurs directional moving with effects of electric and magnetic fields when terahertz wave is
incident in split ring (SR). It makes transmission and absorption peaks at certain frequencies by electric
and magnetic responses between metal rings. There is another kind of absorption which is made by its
structure at natural frequency of SR. We demonstrate, SRR structure has anisotropic property. The
directions of split will decide transmission mode of terahertz in samples. Different modes of dipole
oscillating are made by changing electric wave vector, and its absorption is also affected. However,
natural frequency of SRR is decided by lattice size, independent of transmission mode. Magnetic
response occurs when magnetic wave vector has component which is normal to sample surface. It
makes phenomenon of absorption more apparently. In addition, decreasing component of which is
parallel to sample surface can make transmission peak move to low frequency. Infections to resonance
properties of SRR by terahertz electric and magnetic wave vectors are discussed in this letter. It can be
a reference for researching terahertz devices.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 715812 (2009)
The terahertz (THz) emission properties of four kinds of bow-tie photoconductive antennas are studied. The
characteristic of THz radiation generated by them is compared. The emission spectra of the photoconductive antennas are
obtained by THz time domain spectroscopy (TDS) technology. The corresponding frequency domain spectra are
obtained by Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT). The results show that when we increase the bias voltage, the peak value
of THz radiation is increased and tends to saturation when the pump power is strong enough. Under the same bias
voltage and the pump power, the properties of THz radiation generated by four bow-tie photoconductor antennas are
compared. It shows that under low bias voltage, the full width of half maximum (FWHM) of frequency a domain
spectrum which is generated by small-aperture bow-tie photoconductor antenna is broader than that of the large aperture
one. The gap size of small-aperture photoconductive antenna is smaller, the FWHW is broader. On the other hand, under
the high bias voltage, the intensity of THz radiation of the large aperture photoconductor antenna is much larger than the
small aperture one. Our results provide a reference to investigate and fabricate the high efficient of THz emission source.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 715813 (2009)
In recent years, negative refractive media as the representation of new electromagnetic medium has become the front and
the very popular researching field, and the production of the flat lens is one of its major applications. In our study, the
imaging behaviors by two-dimensional photonic crystal slabs have been investigated systematically. We suggest a
ray-tracing technique to discuss the action of photonic crystal slab with negative refraction. The propagation of
electromagnetic waves in two-dimensional hexagonal lattice photonic crystal slab is investigated through dispersion
characteristics analysis and numerical simulation of field patterns. Imaging and focusing with effective negative
refractive index of -1 have been observed in these systems for both polarized waves, that is TE- and TM-polarized point
source be considered simultaneously. Based on the exact finite-difference time-domain method to perform numerical
simulation and physical analysis, we have demonstrated that the two-dimensional photonic crystal we designed can
realize nearly perfect imaging with TM-polarized point source in the near field and far field, and the results are
consistent with the ray-tracing technique quite well, while to TE-polarized point source the imaging is not perfect
although it have neff=-1 in the same direction.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 715814 (2009)
We present the enhanced transmission spectrum of a copper foil with the sub-wavelength fractal structures by means of
the terahertz time domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) and FDTD simulation. In the view of experimental measurement and
finite-difference-time-domain (FDTD) simulations, respectively, we studied the influence of the electric field and
magnetic field on the enhanced transmission of THz wave through each level of fractal pattern generated by the repeated
affine transformations of an H-shaped mother element on the copper foil. We simulate the incidence and transmission of
the THz wave and show the propagation and distribution of the interior electromagnetic field by the software for
electromagnetic design named CONCERTO. To compare with the experimental results, we simulate the cases that the
certain levels of the pattern are deleted. The results of simulation agree with the experimental one. It is found that the
transmission enhancement in the low frequency regime is caused by the radiation of electron resonance in the low fractal
levels, and the transmission enhancement in the high frequency regime is caused by the radiation of electron resonance
in the high fractal level, that is, the localization resonance of the fractal structures. These results indicate that the flat
surface fractal structure like an ideal wave-guide. The vertically incident THz wave is confined on the surface and
transmitted along the fractal slits. The controlling ability of fractal structures will offer a powerful tool for the design of
THz photonic devices.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 715815 (2009)
Experimental measurement and theoretical analysis of THz vibration spectra of four different kinds of vitamins are
presented. The refractive index and absorbance of these vitamins are measured at room temperature by THz-TDS in the
frequency region of 0.2-2.6 THz. The full-geometry optimizations and frequency calculations using the density
functional theory (DFT) are applied to obtain the structure and vibration frequencies of these vitamins. The calculated
results are in agreement with the experimental data. The simulation results show that the intermolecular interactions are
considerably weak so that the gas-phase simulations spectra are closely to the solid-phase. The calculated results confirm
that most of the absorption peaks result from the intra-molecular modes; the others have been ascribed to intermolecular
interaction or phonon modes.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 715816 (2009)
A novel 256×1 readout integrated circuit (ROIC) with simultaneous integration mode for two-color
(MWIR/LWIR,MWIR/SWIR) n-p-P-P-N HgCdTe infrared detectors is presented in this paper. This ROIC features an
input stage based on current mirror integration (CMI) structure, which separates MW (SW) photocurrent signal from
mixed signals of LW and MW (MW and SW) and each waveband photocurrent signal is capable to be integrated in
uncorrelated-simultaneous mode. A test chip of 256×1 ROIC is designed and fabricated with 0.6μm double poly double
metal mixed signal technology. The chip test results prove right function of the circuit. It shows good performance of
integration of MW and LW signals. The linearity of MW and LW output voltage- input current curve is over 99%. Power
dissipation of the circuit is less than 50 mW. Readout clock frequency is up to 2 MHz.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 715817 (2009)
Narrow linewidth fiber lasers have become more and more necessary in field of coherent communication, fiber optic
sensor, and high resolutions optical spectrum analysis, especially long-range distributed fiber sensing system. In this
paper, a simple and stable narrow linewidth Er3+ -doped ring fiber laser is first proposed and experimentally
demonstrated. In the cavity, a passive fiber Bragg grating Fabry-Perot (FBG F-P) etalon acts as mode-selecting device to
greatly reduce the longitudinal-mode density, while a section un-pumped Er3+ -doped fiber serves as a saturable absorber
to ensure the single longitudinal-mode (SLM) operation. Meanwhile the stability of lasing frequency is further improved
by controlling the temperature of the FBG F-P, and then through varying the temperature the lasing wavelength tuning is
achieved also. Finally stable SLM laser at 1550nm with linewidth about 7.5 kHz, maximum output power 39 mW and
the corresponding slope efficiency 30% is acquired.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 715818 (2009)
Brillouin Optical Time-Domain Reflectometry (BOTDR) is attracting significant attention due to its immense potential
applications in temperature or strain monitoring. Conventional BOTDR system based on Spontaneous Brillouin
Scattering Spectrum(SBSS) narrow-band detection is not only time-consuming but also controlling complicated. To
overcome the drawbacks of the conventional detection method, a new SBSS wideband detection method is proposed in
this paper. In the new detection method, the whole SBSS is captured by use of a wideband receiver in a single
measurement, and Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) signal processing algorithm is used to obtain the SBSS. The
configuration of a heterodyne detection BOTDR system based on SBSS wideband detection is presented, and the data
processing method, the spatial resolution of the system and the measurement time is discussed. The BOTDR system
based on SBSS wideband detection has been demonstrated, and a temperature resolution of 3°C and a spatial resolution
of 2 m have been achieved. The measurement time is only about one-tenth that of conventional narrow-band detection
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 715819 (2009)
Symmetrical apodization technique of the chirped fiber Bragg grating has the advantages of suppressing the sidelobes of
reflection spectra and smoothing the curves of group delay. However, it shortens the bandwidth of the reflection
spectrum markedly. Compared with symmetrical apodization method, the asymmetric method can increase the 3dB
bandwidth by 64.08% without the change of group delay curves. The apodization simulation is implemented by using a
rised cosine function with different apodization length ratios at both ends of the grating. There is a compromise between
the bandwidth and the group delay ripple. The result shows that the grating with 30% apodization at the long wavelength
end and 20% apodization at the short wavelength side can improve the reflection bandwidth effectively and depress the
group delay ripple within the range of ±2 ps.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71581A (2009)
A multi-channel tunable mechanically induced long-period fiber gratings (LPFGs) scheme is presented, which can
induce several LPFGs with different resonance wavelengths simultaneously. LPFGs spectra characteristics are simulated
to find the influence of these parameters such as grating length, tilt angle and the pressure on the fiber. The simulation
results show that the transmission loss peak mainly depends on both the grating length and the pressure, while tilt angle
factor dominates the resonant wavelength. The infuence of the pressure and tilt angles on the transmission spectra is
experimentally studied. This multi-channel LPFGs module will have great potential applications in the fiber sensing field
and flexible filter design region.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71581B (2009)
Hydrogen-based dry plasmas, generated in inductively coupled plasma reactors have been demonstrated to be very
effective in fabricating high fill-factor mesa of Hg1-xCd xTe multi-layer hetero-structure material for infrared focal plane
array applications. To obtain reasonable dry etching process for Hg 1-xCd xTe, it is essential to investigate the physical,
chemical, and electrical characteristics of the surface. This paper explores the effect of varying the plasma process
parameters on the surface of Hg 1-xCd xTe. The surface chemical analysis was carried out using spot X-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy (XPS), the surface roughness was measured by atomic force microscopy (AFM), and p-to-n type
conversion depth was assessed by a reliable current-voltage test of a designed structure basing on material-chip
technology concept and a convenient technology of cross-section surface potential imaging (SPM). At last, Hg 1-xCd xTe
etched surfaces with roughness low and mechanical or electrical damage free were achieved.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71581C (2009)
By numerically solving the time-dependant Kohn-Sham equation with initial states obtained through
self-consistent density-functional theory, we studied, in a numerical way, photoionization of a
one-dimensional helium cluster model exposed to intense laser pulses. Enhanced ionization effect, which is
similar to the CREI effect for small molecules, was observed and the associated mechanism was discussed.
Our numerical results present good agreement with previous conclusions using different algorithms.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71581D (2009)
A detailed theoretical and experimental study of buried ion-exchanged waveguides is reported. The model of the ion
concentration distribution in Ag+-Na+ ion exchanged glass, which is analyzed by numerical calculations, agrees well with
our experiments showing that after the first ion-exchange, a half oval-shaped ion concentration distribution can be
obtained in the substrate; and after the second ion-exchange, the radio-shaped ion concentration distribution presents.
These results may be used to establish the necessary correlation between the ion-exchange process parameters and the
waveguide characteristics.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71581E (2009)
Blood lead detecting can make certain valuation to human being health and environment problem. Traditional blood lead
detecting instrument used only in laboratory analysis with long time and relatively expensive cost disadvantage. Based
on small volume and strong anti-interference of fiber sensor, the paper designed fiber system, including fiber sensor and
demodulate system, which can be used in blood lead measurement. Using compound environment fixed in fiber sensor,
fiber transferred the reflected light with Pb consistency information, then the impatt diode receives modulated light
intensity and demodulates to corresponding lead thickness. with designed fiber system, the paper measured some blood
samples with 2.67% precision and 0.231 variance. The designed fiber system is very considerable and usable.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71581F (2009)
A novel method of narrow line-width Er3+-doped fiber ring laser based on FBG F-P etalon and FBG Sagnac loop is
presented in this paper. The all-fiber single frequency and narrow line-width Er3+-doped fiber ring laser has been
designed in which two 976 nm laser diodes are used as the pump sources, the high concentration Er3+-doped fiber as the
gain medium, the fiber Faraday rotator is adopted to eliminate the spatial hole burning effect, the FBG F-P etalon and
FBG Sagnac loop filter can discriminate and select laser longitudinal modes efficiently. The experiment system using 3m
long Er3+-doped fibers is presented, when the maximum pump power of two 976nm laser diodes is 146mW, the fiber
laser exhibits 16mW threshold and stable single frequency 1550nm laser with the output powers of 45mW is acquired,
and the slope efficiency is about 34.6%. The 3dB line-width is less than 9.3 kHz, measured by the delayed selfheterodyne
method with 15km single-mode fiber, and no mode hopping is observed. The fiber laser has the advantages
of simple structure, high efficiency and high reliability and it has great potential applications in the fields of optical fiber
sensing system.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71581G (2009)
In this work, we demonstrate that the spectral self-imaging phenomenon is not restricted to phase-only sampled and
linearly chirped fiber Bragg gratings(LCFBGs), rather they can be implemented in phase-only sampled fiber Bragg
gratings (FBGs) with an arbitrarily chirped grating period. We derive the general conditions at which spectral Talbot
phenomenon, namely, integer and fractional spectral self-imaging occurs. The multiplication of spectral channels,
respectively in the linear, square and cubic chirp coefficient conditions, and/or together, are implemented and observed
in phase-only sampled FBGs with both integer and fractional types using the transfer matrix method.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71581H (2009)
The multimode devices, which are also polarization-sensitive, have been widely used in modern optical communication
system. In some cases, the modal properties, including the modal propagation constants and the modal fields of every
order, must be given for the device design. The scalar finite difference beam propagation method (FD-BPM) is extended
to solve this polarization-related problem. The different finite difference schemes corresponding to different polarized
directions, which satisfy different boundary continual conditions, are formulized and the alternate directions implicit
(ADI) FD-BPM were used to deal with the three dimensional (3D) waveguide. The guided modal properties of a 3D rib
waveguide including the propagation constants and modal field distributions up to ten ranks were obtained and illustrated
as an example.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71581I (2009)
An approximate explicit solution for Raman fiber lasers with arbitrary cascades is obtained. The solution is deduced
without using depleted pump approximation. The proposed analytical solution shows excellent agreement with numerical
simulation. Furthermore, optimal design of the cascaded Raman fiber lasers is carried out analytically. The optimal
values of fiber length, reflectivity of output fiber Bragg grating and power conversion efficiency are obtained under
different pump power. The optimal fiber length and reflectivity of output FBG decrease with increasing pump power.
There exists a certain tolerance of the optimal cavity parameters, in which the conversion efficiency decreases only
slightly. In addition, by the proposed solution one can readily determine whether pump power is depleted.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71581J (2009)
With the rapid development of micro optoelectronic device and integration techniques in PMMA fiber, micro-structure
integration in PMMA fiber such as diffraction gratings graved by focusing fslaser inside the PMMA fiber is becoming
popular. However, the white light induced by interaction of femtosecond pulse with PMMA has a property that is similar
to laser beam has been founded, and generated a continuous spectrum from ultraviolet to infrared. Ti:sapphire
femtosecond laser systems with 1kHz, 45fs, 1mJ were used to get the white continuum spectrum in PMMA . The white
continuum spectrum from 440nm to1100nm has been recorded. Also White light filament induced by fslaser at lower
thredhold power inside the PMMA than others , and this white light filaments will damage the PMMA fiber and induce
refractive-index change so as to affect micro optoelectronic device and integration techniques application in PMMA
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71581K (2009)
This paper reports the design and preparation of ultra-fast photoconductive (PC) switch made from a 500 nm thick low
temperature grown GaAs (LT-GaAs) on a transparent quartz glass substrate. After the procedures of photolithography,
etching, evaporation etc., coplanar strip (CPS) transmission lines of Au/Pt with width and spacing of 10 μm and
thickness of 600 nm are evaporated on the substrate of LT-GaAs. The photoconductive switch has ideal dark resistance,
good I-V performance and photoelectric linearity under an exposure of weak light. The dark current is about 0.1 pA at a
bias voltage of 10 V. The typical risetime of the photoconductive switch is 1.3 ps measured by pump-probe technique
with a mode-locked Ti: sapphire laser with pulse width of 100 fs, wavelength of 800 nm, and frequency of 100 MHz.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71581L (2009)
Monte Carlo simulation method has been used to study the linear mode of photoconductive semiconductor switches
(PCSS). Its triggered source is a femtosecond laser pulse. The simulation results are well in agreement with experiment
data, so the model is accurate. Based on the model, some important factors which influence the response time of PCSS
have been analyzed by computer simulation. Then the sizes of these parameters that make an important contribution to
get better response time have been deduced. From this simulation analysis, it is sure that some experiment conditions can
be used more enough. In other words, the response time can be further shortened under the same experiment condition.
Moreover, the transition from linear mode to non-linear mode has been analyzed using this model.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71581M (2009)
In this paper, the THz spectra of several weakly absorptive chemical materials are measured by a novel technology:
reference-free THz transmission spectroscopy. We then introduce a new THz spectral feature recognition method by
applying pattern recognition method in explosive spectra classification and identification. Two types of artificial neural
networks (ANNs): self organized mapping (SOM) and multilayer perceptron (MLP) and are used through repetitive
modeling and adequate training with high accuracy rate and low alarm rate. The results indicate that the reference-free
technique is a viable and valid spectroscopic modality by replacing the conventional absorbance curves with phase
curves as features for identification and classification. The phase spectroscopy method is especially favorable for long
distance and large size THz sensing and imaging systems by ignoring the imperfect beam amplitude profile. We also
show that it is feasible to apply these two ANNS on the identification of different types of explosives, amino acid and
many other chemicals. It provides an effective method in material inspection and identification using THz-TDS.
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Proceedings Volume 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 71581O (2009)
The controllable focusing property of a flat lens is investigated by changing the external voltage. The
tunability is introduced based on electro-optical effect. The flat lens is a slab of photonic crystal
composed of air cylinders in electro-optic material background. The results demonstrate that focusing
can be achieved by the flat photonic crystal slab. Moreover, the focal length of the flat lens can be
tuned continuously by the applied voltage, which might have potential applications in photoelectric
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