24 February 2009 Single grism pulse compressor
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We introduce a simple, compact, and automatically distortion-free single-grism pulse compressor that can compensate for large amounts of material dispersion in ultrashort pulses, which increases the pulse duration and decreases the peak intensity. Diffraction-grating pulse compressors can compensate for high dispersion, but they do not compensate for higher-order dispersion (important when GDD is large). Worse, all previous general-purpose grating designs have involved multiple gratings and so are also difficult to align and prone to distortions: small misalignments cause unwanted spatio-temporal pulse distortions. A compressor based on grisms solves the higher-order-dispersion problem because grisms allow the ratio of third-order to second-order dispersion to be tuned to match that of the material that introduced the GDD. A grism can also compensate for large amounts of dispersion. Unfortunately, previous grism compressors used multiple grisms and so are difficult to align and prone to spatio-temporal distortions. To overcome this problem, we introduce a single-grism compressor. It comprises only three elements: a reflection grism, a corner cube, and a roof mirror. SEA TADPOLE measured the compressor GDD and third-order dispersion, verifying its operation. This convenient device should be a valuable general tool.
© (2009) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Vikrant Chauhan, Pamela Bowlan, Edward Miesak, Steve Kane, and Rick Trebino "Single grism pulse compressor", Proc. SPIE 7203, Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast Lasers IX, 72030Z (24 February 2009);
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Diffraction gratings


Ultrafast phenomena

Optical design


Transform theory



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