17 February 2009 Quantum dot insertions in VCSELs from 840 to 1300 nm: growth, characterization, and device performance
N. N. Ledentsov, J. A. Lott, V. A. Shchukin, H. Quast, F. Hopfer, G. Fiol, A. Mutig, P. Moser, T. Germann, A. Strittmatter, L. Y. Karachinsky, S. A. Blokhin, I. I. Novikov, A. M. Nadtochi, N. D. Zakharov, P. Werner, D. Bimberg
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Presently VCSELs covering a significant spectral range (840-1300 nm) can be produced based on quantum dot (QD) active elements. Herein we report progress on selected QD based vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) suitable for high-speed operation. An open eye diagram at 20 Gb/s with error-free transmission (a bit-error-rate < 10-15) is achieved at 850 nm. The 850 nm QD VCSELs also achieve error-free 20 Gb/s single mode transmission operation through multimode fiber without the use of optical isolation. Our 980 nm-range QD VCSELs achieve error free transmission at 25 Gb/s at up to 150°C. These 980 nm devices operate in a temperature range of 25-85°C without current or modulation voltage adjustment. We anticipate that the primary application areas of QD VCSELs are those that require degradation-robust operation under extremely high current densities. Temperature stability at ultrahigh current densities, a forte of QDs, is needed for ultrahigh-speed (> 40 Gb/s) current-modulated VCSELs for a new generation of local and storage area networks. Finally we discuss aspects of QD vertical extended-cavity surface emitting lasers with ultra high power density per emitting surface for high power (material processing) and frequency conversion (display) applications.
© (2009) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
N. N. Ledentsov, J. A. Lott, V. A. Shchukin, H. Quast, F. Hopfer, G. Fiol, A. Mutig, P. Moser, T. Germann, A. Strittmatter, L. Y. Karachinsky, S. A. Blokhin, I. I. Novikov, A. M. Nadtochi, N. D. Zakharov, P. Werner, and D. Bimberg "Quantum dot insertions in VCSELs from 840 to 1300 nm: growth, characterization, and device performance", Proc. SPIE 7224, Quantum Dots, Particles, and Nanoclusters VI, 72240P (17 February 2009); Logo
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Vertical cavity surface emitting lasers


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