4 February 2009 Real-time development system for image processing engines
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Proceedings Volume 7244, Real-Time Image and Video Processing 2009; 724409 (2009)
Event: IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, 2009, San Jose, California, United States
Certain feedback loop based algorithms contained in an image processing engine, such as auto white balance, auto exposure or auto focus, are best designed and evaluated within a real-time framework due to strong requirements of close study of the dynamics present. Furthermore, the development process entails the usual flexibility associated with any software module implementation, such as the ability to dump debugging information or placement of break points in the code. In addition, the end deployment platform is not usually available during the design process, while tuning of the above mentioned algorithms must encompass particularities of each individual target sensor. We explore in this paper a real-time hardware-software solution that addresses all the requirements mentioned before and functions on a non-real time operating system (Windows). Moreover we exemplify and quantify the hard deadlines required by such a feedback control loop algorithm and illustrate how they are supported in our implementation.
© (2009) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Sergio Goma, Radu Gheorghe, and Milivoje Aleksic "Real-time development system for image processing engines", Proc. SPIE 7244, Real-Time Image and Video Processing 2009, 724409 (4 February 2009);
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Image processing


Algorithm development

Signal processing



Imaging systems


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