18 May 2009 Highly reflective optical coatings from vacuum ultraviolet to near infrared for micro mirrors
Minghong Yang, Xinling Tong, Ciming Zhou, Desheng Jiang
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This paper addresses different highly reflective optical coatings on micro mirrors for applications in the NIR-VIS-VUVspectral region. The optimized metal systems are applicable from VUV and DUV up to the NIR spectral region and can be integrated in the technology of MOEMS, such as spatial light modulators (SLM) and micro scanning mirrors (MSM). The developed concepts reconcile high reflectivity and low stress-load, and therefore an improved micromirror planarity. Aluminum-based DUV coatings provide 90% of reflectance at the 157 nm, 193 nm wavelength, and aluminum or silver with dielectric oxide enhanced optical coatings can provide reflectance above 99% for wavelengths at 248 nm, 308 nm, 633 nm and 1064 nm. Thicknesses of all these coatings vary from 200 - 950 nm. Due to the low total thickness and specially optimized deposition process, these highly-reflecting coatings have stresses lower than ± 60 MPa, which are very promising for stress-sensitive substrates, such as micro mirrors. Especially, these highlyreflective low-stress coatings at 1064 nm will enable new applications at high optical power density like laser marking and material treatment. As for the VIS and UV spectral region, metal enhanced HR-coatings have been favored, because they enable high reflectance of up to 99.7 % at 308 nm and 633 nm in combination with low stress, high mirror planarity and CMOS compatibility.
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Minghong Yang, Xinling Tong, Ciming Zhou, and Desheng Jiang "Highly reflective optical coatings from vacuum ultraviolet to near infrared for micro mirrors", Proc. SPIE 7284, 4th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Design, Manufacturing, and Testing of Micro- and Nano-Optical Devices and Systems, 728407 (18 May 2009);
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