27 April 2009 Steerable optical flow based image registration: application to aligning human torso images
Ahmed Elsafi, Rami Zewail, Nelson Durdle
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The aim of image registration is to align two or more images taken from different viewpoints, at different time instances, or by different modalities. Image registration methods are divided into two main categories, feature based and intensity based methods. Recently intensity based methods have gained popularity since they aim at finding a dense correspondence between the images needed to be aligned without calculating correspondence between salient features. In this work, a new intensity based image registration method has been proposed and tested. This method models the source and target image as a single image displaced over time and calculates the optical flow fields in a multiresolution framework. In order to have the ability to represent complex fields, the deformation has been modelled as locally affine but globally smooth. Multiresolution image representation by steerable pyramid decomposition is integrated with the differential image registration technique in order to find accurate image deformations. The usage of steerable pyramid overcomes traditional problems in other pyramidal methods namely aliasing across different bands, lack of translation and rotation invariance. The new algorithm was validated using torso images for volunteers at the University of Alberta in addition to images captured of a cast model of the human torso. Experiments have demonstrated promising results in terms of root mean square error and average pixel error.
© (2009) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ahmed Elsafi, Rami Zewail, and Nelson Durdle "Steerable optical flow based image registration: application to aligning human torso images", Proc. SPIE 7341, Visual Information Processing XVIII, 73410F (27 April 2009);
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Image registration

Optical flow


Image analysis

Image compression

Image processing

Affine motion model


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