31 July 2009 Study on the scanning system for deep focused beam by Axicon
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Proceedings Volume 7505, Optical Data Storage 2009; 750514 (2009)
Event: Optical Data Storage, 2009, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, United States
Axicon produces a deep focused Bessel beam whose transverse focal spot is smaller than the size of an airy disk produced by conventional lens with the same numerical aperture. Rieko Arimoto et al. applied axicon to a beamscanning system and established the beam-scanning imaging system which is free from need of precise positioning. Meanwhile, the allowed amount of rotation is severely restricted due to the unwanted tilt in the focused ring. We analyze the tilt in the focused ring quantitatively and suggest an appropriate method of designing the aberration corrected lens. An exemplary lens design for 1° tilt in the scanning mirror is presented and it is shown that the amount of degradation is clearly suppressed in the optimized system.
© (2009) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Sukjoon Hong, Junyeob Yeo, Tom D. Milster, and Jaisoon Kim "Study on the scanning system for deep focused beam by Axicon", Proc. SPIE 7505, Optical Data Storage 2009, 750514 (31 July 2009);
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Imaging systems

Bessel beams

Lens design

Modulation transfer functions

Optical design


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