14 April 2010 Thickness and roughness measurement using a reflective digital holographic microscope
Majinyang Song, Constance Kang Ting Teoh, Ruojun Ding
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Proceedings Volume 7522, Fourth International Conference on Experimental Mechanics; 752267 (2010)
Event: Fourth International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, 2009, Singapore, Singapore
Digital Holography is a new technology that promises many applications in diverse areas. Using numerical reconstruction of digitally recorded hologram, the Reflection Digital Holographic Microscope (DHM) provides the intensity, phase images which give the 3D depth profile of micro-devices. These essential data provided by digital holography are very useful for new MEMS design and fabrication as well as thin film growth. Having advantages over other existing measurement methods, it can possibly serve as an easier alternative in future. In this study, we further investigate the accuracy and specifications of thickness measurement, topography and roughness analysis using the DHM. By comparing the DHM results with alpha-stepper (a form of stylus probing) and Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), we find that the accuracy of the DHM for thickness measurement and roughness analysis is about 10%. The thickness and roughness range is also found to be 50nm to 500nm. Our experimental study hence demonstrates that digital holography has the potential to be developed into a suitable tool for thickness measurement and roughness analysis due to it being non-invasive and being able to provide quick time and relatively accurate measurements.
© (2010) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Majinyang Song, Constance Kang Ting Teoh, and Ruojun Ding "Thickness and roughness measurement using a reflective digital holographic microscope", Proc. SPIE 7522, Fourth International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, 752267 (14 April 2010); Logo
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Digital holography

3D image processing

3D metrology

Thin films


Microelectromechanical systems


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