This report outlines results from an independent study assessing the clinical potential of an emerging, contemporary
imaging technology. Tissue Viability (TiVi) imaging is an easily implemented, non-invasive, and portable technique
which maps the blood circulation in the surface dermal layer. However, its routine clinical implementation awaits the
development of the necessary standardised protocols. Thus the pilot study examines the efficacy of a novel TiVi imaging
device within a localised skin blood flow occlusion protocol. The test was administered to the upper volar forearm of 19
healthy subjects (10:9 Female:Male) for 5 different time periods ranging from 5 to 25 seconds. Dermal areas
corresponding to 100 × 100 pixels (2.89 cm2) were monitored for 60 seconds prior to, during and after each occlusal test.
Our results support the relevance of a TiVi occlusion protocol for physiological assessment of the skin microcirculation.