6 October 2010 Cylindrical lens design with illuminance uniformity in the image plane of critical illumination system
Chong Huang, Haiqing Chen, Kun Zhang, Shuang Zhao
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Proceedings Volume 7655, 5th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies; 765521 (2010)
Event: 5th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies, 2010, Dalian, China
In object simulation equipment, field diaphragm is critical illuminated to obtain the maximum possible light energy. When light source is a tiny surface source, and beam is shaped with parabolic reflect mirror to parallelism. We design the cylindrical lens to reshape the parallel beam to elliptic image spot of 25.4mmx3mm, and imaging in the field diaphragm of simulation system. For the volume restriction, we design a refractive system employed by one piece of meniscus lens and two pieces of cylindrical lens. In x direction, the linear field of image is 25.4mm, and we bring in a certain amount of sphere aberration in order to make light energy uniform distribution in the direction. Meanwhile, in y direction, the image height accords to the requirement by controlling focus distance. Illuminance of marginal field of x direction reaches 95% of that of centre field, which satisfies the system requirement. The configuration of this lens is rather concise and hardly has any problem in processing.
© (2010) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Chong Huang, Haiqing Chen, Kun Zhang, and Shuang Zhao "Cylindrical lens design with illuminance uniformity in the image plane of critical illumination system", Proc. SPIE 7655, 5th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies, 765521 (6 October 2010); Logo
Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
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Imaging systems

Lens design

Light sources



Beam shaping

Optical simulations


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