3 May 2010 Noise properties of a corner-cube Michelson interferometer LWIR hyperspectral imager
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Interferometric hyperspectral imagers using infrared focal plane array (FPA) sensors have received increasing interest within the field of security and defence. Setups are commonly based upon either the Sagnac or the Michelson configuration, where the former is usually preferred due to its mechanical robustness. However, the Michelson configuration shows advantages in larger FOV due to better vignetting performance and improved signal-to-noise ratio and cost reduction due to relaxation of beamsplitter specifications. Recently, a laboratory prototype of a more robust and easy-to-align corner-cube Michelson hyperspectral imager has been demonstrated. The prototype is based upon an uncooled bolometric FPA in the LWIR (8-14 μm) spectral band and in this paper the noise properties of this hyperspectral imager are discussed.
© (2010) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
D. Bergstrom, I. Renhorn, T. Svensson, R. Persson, T. Hallberg, R. Lindell, and G. Boreman "Noise properties of a corner-cube Michelson interferometer LWIR hyperspectral imager", Proc. SPIE 7660, Infrared Technology and Applications XXXVI, 76602F (3 May 2010); Logo
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