5 May 2010In situ real-time monitoring of Pt-VO2 nanoparticle-nanowire assembly by GISAXS
Cafer T. Yavuz, Sungsik Lee, Byeongdu Lee, Myung H. Kim, Jeong M. Baik, Sönke Seifert, Stefan Vajda, Christopher Larson, Randall E. Winans, Martin Moskovits, Alec M. Wodtke, Galen D. Stucky
Cafer T. Yavuz,1 Sungsik Lee,2 Byeongdu Lee,2 Myung H. Kim,3 Jeong M. Baik,4 Sönke Seifert,2 Stefan Vajda,2 Christopher Larson,1 Randall E. Winans,2 Martin Moskovits,1 Alec M. Wodtke,1 Galen D. Stucky1
1Univ. of California, Santa Barbara (United States) 2Argonne National Lab. (United States) 3Ewha Womans Univ. (Korea, Republic of) 4Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (Korea, Republic of)
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Methanol is a hydrogen carrier for fuel cells and its chemical transformations are of great current interest. Methanol
oxidation by vanadium oxides is well studied, hence, serves as a good measure for catalytic activity. Arrays of VO2
nanowires grown on r-cut sapphire prove to be unique for the in situ catalytic activity tests. Here, we present size
and morphology dependent activity of Platinum coated single crystalline VO2 nanowires in methanol oxidation
reactions using Grazing Incidence Small Angle X-ray Scattering (GISAXS). Our findings show an unexpected
sintering behavior of Pt at temperatures as low as 200 °C.
Cafer T. Yavuz,Sungsik Lee,Byeongdu Lee,Myung H. Kim,Jeong M. Baik,Sönke Seifert,Stefan Vajda,Christopher Larson,Randall E. Winans,Martin Moskovits,Alec M. Wodtke, andGalen D. Stucky
"In situ real-time monitoring of Pt-VO2 nanoparticle-nanowire assembly by GISAXS", Proc. SPIE 7679, Micro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications II, 76792D (5 May 2010); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.851255
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Cafer T. Yavuz, Sungsik Lee, Byeongdu Lee, Myung H. Kim, Jeong M. Baik, Sönke Seifert, Stefan Vajda, Christopher Larson, Randall E. Winans, Martin Moskovits, Alec M. Wodtke, Galen D. Stucky, "In situ real-time monitoring of Pt-VO2 nanoparticle-nanowire assembly by GISAXS," Proc. SPIE 7679, Micro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications II, 76792D (5 May 2010); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.851255