14 May 2010 Automated multiscale measurement system for MEMS characterisation
W. Lyda, A. Burla, T. Haist, J. Zimmermann, W. Osten, O. Sawodny
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In former publications we presented an automated multiscale measurement system (AMMS) based on an adaptable active exploration strategy. The system is armed with several sensors linked by indicator algorithms to identify unresolved defects and to trigger finer resolved measurements. The advantage of this strategy in comparison to single sensor approaches is its high flexibility which is used to balance the conflict between measurement range, resolution and duration. For an initial proof of principle we used the system for inspection of microlens arrays. An even higher challenge for inspection systems are modern micro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS). MEMS consist of critical functional components which range from several millimeters down to micrometers and typically have tolerances in sub-micron scale. This contribution is focused on the inspection of MEMS using the example of micro calibration devices. This new class of objects has completely different surface characteristics and features hence it is necessary to adapted the components of the AMMS. Typical defects found on calibration devices are for example broken actuator combs and springs, surface cracks or missing features. These defects have less influence on the optical properties of the surface and the MEMS surface generates more complex intensity distributions in comparison microlense arrays. At the same time, the surface features of the MEMS have a higher variety and less periodicity which reduce the performance of currently used algorithms. To meet these requirements, we present new indicator algorithms for the automated analysis of confocal as well as conventional imaging data and show initial multiscale inspection results.
© (2010) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
W. Lyda, A. Burla, T. Haist, J. Zimmermann, W. Osten, and O. Sawodny "Automated multiscale measurement system for MEMS characterisation", Proc. SPIE 7718, Optical Micro- and Nanometrology III, 77180G (14 May 2010); Logo
Cited by 5 scholarly publications.
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Microelectromechanical systems



Confocal microscopy

Image segmentation

Image processing


Distance and speed measurements from monocular images
Proceedings of SPIE (April 29 2016)
Fast Measurement Of Physical Dimensions
Proceedings of SPIE (October 14 1987)
Measuring MEMS through silicon caps
Proceedings of SPIE (February 18 2008)

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