21 July 2010 The planar optics phase sensor: a study for the VLTI 2nd generation fringe tracker
Nicolas Blind, Jean-Baptiste Le Bouquin, Olivier Absil, Mazen Alamir, Jean-Philippe Berger, Denis Defrère, Philippe Feautrier, François Hénault, Laurent Jocou, Pierre Kern, Thomas Laurent, Fabien Malbet, Denis Mourard, Karine Rousselet-Perraut, Alain Sarlette, Jean Surdej, Nassima Tarmoul, Eric Tatulli, Lionel Vincent
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In a few years, the second generation instruments of the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) will routinely provide observations with 4 to 6 telescopes simultaneously. To reach their ultimate performance, they will need a fringe sensor capable to measure in real time the randomly varying optical paths differences. A collaboration between LAOG (PI institute), IAGL, OCA and GIPSA-Lab has proposed the Planar Optics Phase Sensor concept to ESO for the 2nd Generation Fringe Tracker. This concept is based on the integrated optics technologies, enabling the conception of extremely compact interferometric instruments naturally providing single-mode spatial filtering. It allows operations with 4 and 6 telescopes by measuring the fringes position thanks to a spectrally dispersed ABCD method. We present here the main analysis which led to the current concept as well as the expected on-sky performance and the proposed design.
© (2010) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Nicolas Blind, Jean-Baptiste Le Bouquin, Olivier Absil, Mazen Alamir, Jean-Philippe Berger, Denis Defrère, Philippe Feautrier, François Hénault, Laurent Jocou, Pierre Kern, Thomas Laurent, Fabien Malbet, Denis Mourard, Karine Rousselet-Perraut, Alain Sarlette, Jean Surdej, Nassima Tarmoul, Eric Tatulli, and Lionel Vincent "The planar optics phase sensor: a study for the VLTI 2nd generation fringe tracker", Proc. SPIE 7734, Optical and Infrared Interferometry II, 773424 (21 July 2010); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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