19 July 2010 A 64 Mpixel camera for the Wendelstein Fraunhofer Telescope Nasmyth wide-field port: WWFI
Claus Gössl, Ralf Bender, Frank Grupp, Ulrich Hopp, Florian Lang-Bardl, Wolfgang Mitsch, Werner Altmann, Ann Ayres, Scott Clark, Michael Hartl, Dirk Kampf, Gary Sims, Hans Thiele, Kevin Toerne
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Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit¨at M¨unchen operates an astrophysical observatory on the summit of Mt. Wendelstein1 which will be equipped with a modern 2m-class, robotic telescope.2 One Nasmyth port of the new Fraunhofer telescope is designed to sustain the excellent (< 0.8" median) seeing of the site [1, Fig. 1] over a FOV of 0.2 deg2 utilizing three-element transmissive field corrector optics for optical wavebands. It will be equipped with a camera built around a customized 64 MPixel Mosaic (Spectral Instruments, 4 × (4k)2 15μm e2v CCDs). TheWendelsteinWide Field Imager has two filter wheels with eight slots each (SDSS3 [ugriz] + eight still free) as well as two off-axis guiding units (two FLI Microline with 2k Fairchild CCDs on differential focus stages). A Bonn Shutter4 ensures high precision photometric exposures. An option to either insert a low dispersion grating (for field spectroscopy) or support a wave front sensor probe allows for further expansion of the camera. EMI-safe housing has to overcome the emission of a close by 0.5MW radio station. Special care has been taken to design a very low ghost budget of the overall system to allow for low-surface brightness applications (e.g. weak lensing surveys).
© (2010) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Claus Gössl, Ralf Bender, Frank Grupp, Ulrich Hopp, Florian Lang-Bardl, Wolfgang Mitsch, Werner Altmann, Ann Ayres, Scott Clark, Michael Hartl, Dirk Kampf, Gary Sims, Hans Thiele, and Kevin Toerne "A 64 Mpixel camera for the Wendelstein Fraunhofer Telescope Nasmyth wide-field port: WWFI", Proc. SPIE 7735, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy III, 773535 (19 July 2010); Logo
Cited by 4 scholarly publications.
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Optical filters

Charge-coupled devices


CCD cameras

Optical instrument design


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