9 November 1987 Advanced Electronic Warfare Receiver Forecast
James B . Y Tsui, Paul S. Hadorn, Robert L. Davis
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It is desirable to have a set of universal requirements for electronic warfare (EW) receivers so that every receiver designer need only fulfill this one set of requirements. It is very difficult, however, to provide such a set of generic requirements for EW receivers. Not only will different missions require receivers with different specifications , but requirements are also driven by available technology. For example, if a Bragg cell has a bandwidth of 1 GHz, the bandwidth of the complete optical processor (receiver) will be limited to 1 GHz or less. Receiver requirements are also dictated by other subsystems in the EW system. For example, if the digital processor following a receiver can process only 100,000 pulses/second, there is no need to design a receiver to receive more than 100,000 pulses/second because the additional pulses received will either be ignored by the processor or, as is more likely, cause a partial or complete processor failure.
© (1987) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
James B . Y Tsui, Paul S. Hadorn, and Robert L. Davis "Advanced Electronic Warfare Receiver Forecast", Proc. SPIE 0789, Optical Technology for Microwave Applications III, (9 November 1987);
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Signal processing


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Bragg cells

Digital signal processing


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