2 March 2011 No effect of femtosecond laser pulses on DNA, protein, M13, or E. coli
Jeffrey C. Wigle, Eric A. Holwitt, Gary D. Noojin, Larry E. Estlack, Katharine E. Sheldon, Benjamin A. Rockwell
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We were unable to reproduce published inactivation results, or show any interaction, between 90 femtosecond (fs) pulses of 850 nm or 425 nm laser radiation and buffer/water, DNA, protein, M13 bacteriophage or E. coli. Using agarose electrophoresis and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, we examined purified plasmid DNA (pUC19), bovine serum albumin, and DNA and coat proteins extracted from M13 following exposures to irradiances of up to 120 MW/cm2. We measured M13 viability using an assay for plaque-forming ability in soft agar after exposure to the same irradiances used for the protein and DNA experiments. Exposures of up 1 GW/cm2 at 850 nm had no effect on the viability of E. coli as measured by a colony forming assay in soft agar. Peroxynitrite, known to be toxic, to cause single strand breaks in DNA, and fragment proteins in vitro gave positive results in all assays.
© (2011) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jeffrey C. Wigle, Eric A. Holwitt, Gary D. Noojin, Larry E. Estlack, Katharine E. Sheldon, and Benjamin A. Rockwell "No effect of femtosecond laser pulses on DNA, protein, M13, or E. coli", Proc. SPIE 7897, Optical Interactions with Tissue and Cells XXII, 789716 (2 March 2011); Logo
Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
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Thin film coatings

Femtosecond phenomena

Pulsed laser operation

Control systems

In vitro testing

Laser bonding

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