22 February 2011 Kinetics and pathogenesis of intracellular magnetic nanoparticle cytotoxicity
Andrew J. Giustini, Rachel E. Gottesman, A. A. Petryk, A. M. Rauwerdink, P. Jack Hoopes
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Magnetic nanoparticles excited by alternating magnetic fields (AMF) have demonstrated effective tumor-specific hyperthermia. This treatment is effective as a monotherapy as well as a therapeutic adjuvant to chemotherapy and radiation. Iron oxide nanoparticles have been shown, so far, to be non-toxic, as are the exciting AMF fields when used at moderate levels. Although higher levels of AMF can be more effective, depending on the type of iron oxide nanoparticles use, these higher field strengths and/or frequencies can induce normal tissue heating and toxicity. Thus, the use of nanoparticles exhibiting significant heating at low AMF strengths and frequencies is desirable. Our preliminary experiments have shown that the aggregation of magnetic nanoparticles within tumor cells improves their heating effect and cytotoxicity per nanoparticle. We have used transmission electron microscopy to track the endocytosis of nanoparticles into tumor cells (both breast adenocarcinoma (MTG-B) and acute monocytic leukemia (THP-1) cells). Our preliminary results suggest that nanoparticles internalized into tumor cells demonstrate greater cytotoxicity when excited with AMF than an equivalent heat dose from excited external nanoparticles or cells exposed to a hot water bath. We have also demonstrated that this increase in SAR caused by aggregation improves the cytotoxicity of nanoparticle hyperthermia therapy in vitro.
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Andrew J. Giustini, Rachel E. Gottesman, A. A. Petryk, A. M. Rauwerdink, and P. Jack Hoopes "Kinetics and pathogenesis of intracellular magnetic nanoparticle cytotoxicity", Proc. SPIE 7901, Energy-based Treatment of Tissue and Assessment VI, 790118 (22 February 2011); Logo
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