27 April 2011 Dependency of working temperature and equivalent constant of concentric disk-type piezoelectric transformer
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This paper presents the effect of equivalent constant and output power on working temperature of concentric disk-type piezoelectric transformer. To analyze the energy loss in the piezoelectric transformer, the equivalent circuit model was built. Losses in the piezoelectric transformer are considered generally having two different parts: dielectric loss and mechanical loss. First of all, a measurement circuit based on an impedance analyzer was built. Then, the circuit simulation software PSIM was employed to verify the experimental results obtained. Secondly, according to the experimental results, temperature and input voltage are the two factors which influenced the energy loss in a piezoelectric transformer. As the input voltage and temperature increased, the energy loss rises, as well. In addition, when the input voltage is low, the temperature becomes the main influencing factor for energy loss of the piezoelectric transformer. On the other hand, when the input voltage is high, the main factor for energy loss of the piezoelectric transformer is the input voltage other than the temperature. Furthermore, the control loop that dealt with the energy loss of the piezoelectric transformer was proposed. At different temperatures, the variations of losses of the piezoelectric transformer are presented in this paper. Finally, the dielectric loss and mechanical loss are combined to analyze the losses within piezoelectric transformers. Then, the relationship between the output power of the piezoelectric transformer and the temperature was revealed. The result showed that as the temperature increased, the output power decreased.
© (2011) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
I-Mu Chou, Yi-Ying Lai, Wen-Jong Wu, and Chih-Kung Lee "Dependency of working temperature and equivalent constant of concentric disk-type piezoelectric transformer", Proc. SPIE 7977, Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems 2011, 79771X (27 April 2011);
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Device simulation


Temperature metrology

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