8 June 2011 Multimodal 4D imaging of cell-pathogen interactions in the lungs provides new insights into pulmonary infections
Daniel Fiole, Julien Douady, Aurélie Cleret, Kévin Garraud, Jacques Mathieu, Anne Quesnel-Hellmann, Jean-Nicolas Tournier
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Lung efficiency as gas exchanger organ is based on the delicate balance of its associated mucosal immune system between inflammation and sterility. In this study, we developed a dynamic imaging protocol using confocal and twophoton excitation fluorescence (2PEF) on freshly harvested infected lungs. This modus operandi allowed the collection of important information about CX3CR1+ pulmonary cells. This major immune cell subset turned out to be distributed in an anisotropic way in the lungs: subpleural, parenchymal and bronchial CX3CR1+ cells have then been described. The way parenchymal CX3CR1+ cells react against LPS activation has been considered using Matlab software, demonstrating a dramatic increase of average cell speed. Then, interactions between Bacillus anthracis spores and CX3CR1+ dendritic cells have been investigated, providing not only evidences of CX3CR1+ cells involvement in pathogen uptake but also details about the capture mechanisms.
© (2011) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Daniel Fiole, Julien Douady, Aurélie Cleret, Kévin Garraud, Jacques Mathieu, Anne Quesnel-Hellmann, and Jean-Nicolas Tournier "Multimodal 4D imaging of cell-pathogen interactions in the lungs provides new insights into pulmonary infections", Proc. SPIE 8086, Advanced Microscopy Techniques II, 808618 (8 June 2011);
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Second-harmonic generation

Confocal microscopy


Argon ion lasers


Green fluorescent protein

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