30 September 2011 First open field measurements with a portable CO2 lidar/dial system for early forest fires detection
Pasquale Gaudio, Michela Gelfusa, Ivan Lupelli, Andrea Malizia, Alessandro Moretti, Maria Richetta, Camilla Serafini, Carlo Bellecci
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Lidar and dial are well established methods to explore the atmosphere. Different groups have already shown experimentally the possibility to measure the density variation of aerosol and particulate in the atmosphere due to plumes emitted in forest fires with this kind of systems. The aim of the present work is to demonstrate the capabilities of our mobile Lidar system, based on a CO2 laser, to detect forest fires and minimizing false alarms. For this purpose, our system can be operated in both lidar and dial configurations in sequence. The first Lidar measurement is performed to evaluate the variation of the local density into the atmosphere, using a nonabsorption water wavelength 10R18 (10.571 μm). If the returned signal reports a backscattering peak, the presence of a fire is probable. To confirm this hypothesis, a second dial measurement is carried out to reveal a second component emitted during the combustion process. The chosen second component is water vapour, which is, as it is well-known, largely produced during the first combustion stage. Measuring the water concentration peak after the detection of the aerosol density increment (referred to the standard mean atmospheric value) represents a good method to reduce false alarms with a dial system. In order to test this methodology, a first set of measurements has been performed in a field near the Engineering Faculty of the University of Rome "Tor Vergata". A quite small controlled-fire has been lighted into a box at a distance of about one kilometre from the system. The data acquired at the two wavelengths (10R18 and 10R20) have been averaged on 100 elastic backscattered Lidar signals. The first results confirm the effectiveness of the measurement strategy for reducing the number of false alarm preserving the early detection.
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Pasquale Gaudio, Michela Gelfusa, Ivan Lupelli, Andrea Malizia, Alessandro Moretti, Maria Richetta, Camilla Serafini, and Carlo Bellecci "First open field measurements with a portable CO2 lidar/dial system for early forest fires detection", Proc. SPIE 8182, Lidar Technologies, Techniques, and Measurements for Atmospheric Remote Sensing VII, 818213 (30 September 2011); Logo
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Atmospheric particles


Signal detection



Carbon dioxide


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