9 February 2012 Analysis of high-speed digital phonoscopy pediatric images
Harikrishnan Unnikrishnan, Kevin D. Donohue, Rita R. Patel
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The quantitative characterization of vocal fold (VF) motion can greatly enhance the diagnosis and treatment of speech pathologies. The recent availability of high-speed systems has created new opportunities to understand VF dynamics. This paper presents quantitative methods for analyzing VF dynamics with high-speed digital phonoscopy, with a focus on expected VF changes during childhood. A robust method for automatic VF edge tracking during phonation is introduced and evaluated against 4 expert human observers. Results from 100 test frames show a subpixel difference between the VF edges selected by algorithm and expert observers. Waveforms created from the VF edge displacement are used to created motion features with limited sensitivity to variations of camera resolution on the imaging plane. New features are introduced based on acceleration ratios of critical points over each phonation cycle, which have the potential for studying issues related to impact stress. A novel denoising and hybrid interpolation/extrapolation scheme is also introduced to reduce the impact of quantization errors and large sampling intervals relative to the phonation cycle. Features extracted from groups of 4 adults and 5 children show large differences for features related to asymmetry between the right and left fold and consistent differences for impact acceleration ratio.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Harikrishnan Unnikrishnan, Kevin D. Donohue, and Rita R. Patel "Analysis of high-speed digital phonoscopy pediatric images", Proc. SPIE 8207, Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics VIII, 82071Q (9 February 2012); Logo
Cited by 4 scholarly publications.
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Edge detection




Detection and tracking algorithms

Error analysis

Light sources and illumination


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