28 November 2011 Ultracompact variable optical attenuator based on photonic crystal waveguide
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Proceedings Volume 8308, Optoelectronic Materials and Devices VI; 83080B (2011)
Event: SPIE/OSA/IEEE Asia Communications and Photonics, 2011, Shanghai, China
We demonstrated and fabricated a 20μm-long ultra-compact variable optical attenuator based on thermo-optical effect with slow light photonic crystal waveguide (PCWG). In simulation, we optimize the line-defect width and radius/period ratio (r/a) of the PCWG for deep photonic band gap and large slope photonic band edge. An r/a=140nm/410nm W1 PCWG is selected for its -60dB depth and 36dB variable attenuation range when the tunable refractive index change is 0.01. We also study different shapes of micro-heaters for low power consumption and high heat transfer efficiency. A 24.6mW and 75.9% heat transfer efficiency are achieved in a 2μm-wide right-angle-shaped micro-heater. In experiment, A 4.6nm red shift at the cutoff wavelength of the fundamental mode and a 10dB tunable attenuation range are achieved through tuning the temperature of the W1 PCWG by an 4.7μm-wide aluminum micro-heater with a maximum power consumption as low as 30.7mW.
© (2011) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Qiang Zhao, Kaiyu Cui, and Yidong Huang "Ultracompact variable optical attenuator based on photonic crystal waveguide", Proc. SPIE 8308, Optoelectronic Materials and Devices VI, 83080B (28 November 2011);
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Signal attenuation

Refractive index


Photonic crystals



Slow light

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