23 March 2012 Impact of the phase defect structure on an actinic dark-field blank inspection signal and wafer printability
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A variety of phase defects (PDs) such as programmed bump and pit PDs, and native bump and pit PDs were detected by a dark-field ABI (Actinic Blank Inspection) tool. Among the PDs, some of them seemed to grow and propagate in an angular direction, away from substrate surface as was found by a TEM analysis. This presentation reports on the influence of 3-D phase defect on wafer printability, and on defect detection signals of an ABI tool. The result shows that the impact of the inclination angle on printing performance was quite significant when the PDs were not covered with the absorber pattern. On the other hand, the defect detection signal intensity was negligibly small in the case where the inclination angle was less than 9 degrees. However, ABI with its high magnification optics can pinpoint the PD's actual location as defined by the EUV light, rather than the ones that are not so clearly define by the surface topography.
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Tsuyoshi Amano, Tetsunori Murachi, Takeshi Yamane, Yukiyasu Arisawa, and Tsuneo Terasawa "Impact of the phase defect structure on an actinic dark-field blank inspection signal and wafer printability", Proc. SPIE 8322, Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Lithography III, 832234 (23 March 2012); Logo
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Signal detection

Semiconducting wafers

Defect detection

Extreme ultraviolet



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