13 March 2012 Field performance availability improvements in lithography light sources using the iGLX Gas Management System
Kevin O'Brien, Daniel J. Riggs, Joshua Thornes, Nora Han, Amit Chakravorty, Paul Belitz
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At high-utilization lithography sites, laser light source gas replenishments and gas maintenance operations typically require between 9 and 16 hours per year, during which the light source is unavailable for production. Reducing this downtime is important for increasing the productivity of the lithography cell. Light sources also require intermittent gas maintenance that must be performed manually and therefore can be subject to variability in duration and repeatability. This paper will outline the targeted improvements in availability achieved by equipping the light source with Cymer's iGLXTM Gas Management System. The iGLX System extends the pulse-based interval between gas refills to 4 billion pulses for Cymer's XLA-series and XLR-series light sources, while maintaining existing performance. Additionally, the iGLX System automates some gas maintenance events that were previously manual, improving their speed and reducing variability. This paper will provide some performance data during extended light source operation on lithography cells equipped with the iGLX System. For high-utilization lithography cells, the iGLX System can reduce gas maintenance related downtime by up to 75%, increasing light source availability up to 12 hours per year. Total halogen gas usage can also be reduced by up to 16%, and manual gas maintenance events can be eliminated. The iGLX System has been installed on multiple high-volume scanner systems, which experienced these improvements immediately, and are continuing to operate nominally. As the iGLX System is deployed in volume, additional availability improvements can be realized by more readily synchronizing other lithography line maintenance events with gas replenishment events.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Kevin O'Brien, Daniel J. Riggs, Joshua Thornes, Nora Han, Amit Chakravorty, and Paul Belitz "Field performance availability improvements in lithography light sources using the iGLX Gas Management System", Proc. SPIE 8326, Optical Microlithography XXV, 83261O (13 March 2012);
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