17 May 2012 Fundamentals of distributed estimation and tracking
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Distributed processing of multiple sensor data has advantages over centralized processing because of lower bandwidth for communicating data and lower processing load at each site. However, distributed fusion has to address dependence issues not present in centralized fusion. Bayesian distributed fusion combines local probabilities or estimates to generate the results of centralized fusion by identifying and removing redundant common information. Approximation of Bayesian distributed fusion provides practical algorithms when it is difficult to identify the common information. Another distributed fusion approach combines estimates with known means and cross covariances according to some optimality criteria. Distributed object tracking involves both track to track association and track state estimate fusion given an association. Track state estimate fusion equations can be obtained from distributed estimation equations by treating the state as a random process with measurements that are accumulated over time. For objects with deterministic dynamics, the same fusion equations for static states can be used. When the object state has non-deterministic dynamics, reconstructing the centralized estimate from the local estimates is usually not possible, but fusion equations based on means and cross covariances are still optimal with respect to their criteria. It is possible to fuse local estimates to duplicate the results of centralized tracking but the local estimates are not locally optimal and the weighting matrices depend on covariance matrices from other sensors.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Chee-Yee Chong, Kuo-Chu Chang, and Shozo Mori "Fundamentals of distributed estimation and tracking", Proc. SPIE 8392, Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XXI, 83920Y (17 May 2012); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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