15 October 2012 Optical characterization for off-axis illumination in DLP system
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Matrix optics is a general method to research and calculate geometric optical properties. Based on the principle of image formation for paraxial rays in geometrical optics, the ray tracing matrix properties of an illumination in Digital Light Processing (DLP) system are derived by ABCD matrix method for paraxial optics and optical elements is considered as thin-lens approximation, including fly-eye lens array, relay lens and TIR prisms. Through the theory analysis according to the transfer matrix, dual-face fly-eye lens array is measured as a function to change beam angle instead of beam characteristics, which is compared with single-face fly-eye lens. Consequently, the second surface of dual-face fly-eye lens can be seen as a field lens which can reduce the relay system diameter. In addition, it has been found that the TIR prisms generate magnification astigmatism and different angle magnification in meridian plane and sagittal plane, when the light beam transmits the TIR prisms, and could not be ignored in the DLP system design. Thus, a novel off-axis illumination system which employed a cylindrical lens is developed. The research indicates that the imagery quality of relay lens system is ideal, and the novel system can solve the difficult problems about astigmatism and angle magnification.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Zhenfeng Zhuang, Enguo Chen, Bixiang Qu, and Feihong Yu "Optical characterization for off-axis illumination in DLP system", Proc. SPIE 8419, 6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optoelectronic Materials and Devices for Sensing, Imaging, and Solar Energy, 84191L (15 October 2012);
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Digital Light Processing

Digital micromirror devices

Monochromatic aberrations

Ray tracing

Geometrical optics


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