17 September 2012 The 3,6 m Indo-Belgian Devasthal Optical Telescope: assembly, integration and tests at AMOS
Nathalie Ninane, Christian Bastin, Jonathan de Ville, Fabrice Michel, Maxime Pierard, Eric Gabriel, Carlo Flebus, Amitesh Omar
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AMOS SA has been awarded of the contract for the design, manufacturing, assembly, tests and on site installation (Devasthal, Nainital in central Himalayan region) of the 3.6 m Indo-Belgian Devasthal Optical Telescope (IDOT). The telescope has a Ritchey-Chrétien optical configuration with a Cassegrain focus equipped with one axial port and two side ports. The meniscus primary mirror is active and is supported by pneumatic actuators. The mount is an Alt-Az type with for the azimuth axis a 5 m diameter hydrostatic track. The telescope was completely assembled and tested in AMOS workshop. This step is completed and successful. The telescope is now ready for shipment to Nainital. This paper describes the test campaign at sub-system and system level that has taken place to demonstrate that the telescope satisfies the main system requirements. Besides of the functionality of the telescope, the units interacting with the image quality or the tracking performance were plenty tested. Some selected tests directly connected to the performance of the telescope are also looked specifically in this paper.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Nathalie Ninane, Christian Bastin, Jonathan de Ville, Fabrice Michel, Maxime Pierard, Eric Gabriel, Carlo Flebus, and Amitesh Omar "The 3,6 m Indo-Belgian Devasthal Optical Telescope: assembly, integration and tests at AMOS", Proc. SPIE 8444, Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes IV, 84442U (17 September 2012); Logo
Cited by 4 scholarly publications.
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