We present an update on the LINC-NIRVANA (LN) instrument, an innovative Fizeau-mode beam combiner for the
Large Binocular Telescope (LBT). LN will deliver 10 mas spatial resolution in the near infrared over a 10 arcsec field of
view. In addition to optical-path-difference control, the instrument must correct a wide field of view on the sky using
multi-conjugated adaptive optics. This substantially increases sky coverage for fringe tracking reference stars.
Subsystem delivery and testing is almost complete, and final Assembly, Integration, and Verification are well advanced.
We report on closed-loop control of a number of subsystems, including fine-tuning and optimization of the delay line.
Measurement and remediation of instrument flexure are key to the success of LN. Several laboratory performance
experiments demonstrate that components are within specification. With several interacting subsystems, LN faces a
complexity challenge. A Pathfinder experiment at LBT will verify multiple aspects of LINC-NIRVANA and the
telescope starting in winter 2012-2013. Finally, we report on efforts to prepare for early science exploitation in "LINC"
mode, which uses single-conjugate adaptive optics.