15 October 2012 Exploiting the error-correcting capabilities of low-density parity check codes in distributed video coding using optical flow
Lars Lau Rakêt, Jacob Søgaard, Matteo Salmistraro, Huynh van Luong, Søren Forchhammer
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We consider Distributed Video Coding (DVC) in presence of communication errors. First, we present DVC side information generation based on a new method of optical flow driven frame interpolation, where a highly optimized TV-L1 algorithm is used for the flow calculations and combine three flows. Thereafter methods for exploiting the error-correcting capabilities of the LDPCA code in DVC are investigated. The proposed frame interpolation includes a symmetric flow constraint to the standard forward-backward frame interpolation scheme, which improves quality and handling of large motion. The three flows are combined in one solution. The proposed frame interpolation method consistently outperforms an overlapped block motion compensation scheme and a previous TV-L1 optical flow frame interpolation method with an average PSNR improvement of 1.3 dB and 2.3 dB respectively. For a GOP size of 2, an average bitrate saving of more than 40% is achieved compared to DISCOVER on Wyner-Ziv frames. In addition we also exploit and investigate the internal error-correcting capabilities of the LDPCA code in order to make it more robust to errors. We investigate how to achieve this goal by only modifying the decoding. One of approaches is to use bit flipping; alternatively one can modify the parity check matrix of the LDPCA. Different schemes known from LDPC codes are considered and evaluated in the LDPCA setting. Results show that the performance depend heavily on the type of channel used and on the quality of the Side Information.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Lars Lau Rakêt, Jacob Søgaard, Matteo Salmistraro, Huynh van Luong, and Søren Forchhammer "Exploiting the error-correcting capabilities of low-density parity check codes in distributed video coding using optical flow", Proc. SPIE 8499, Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXV, 84990N (15 October 2012); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Optical flow

Error control coding

Video coding

Motion estimation


Computer programming

Error analysis


Motion-compensated partition coding
Proceedings of SPIE (February 27 1996)
Transform-domain Wyner-Ziv codec for video
Proceedings of SPIE (January 18 2004)
Efficient frame interpolation for Wyner-Ziv video coding
Proceedings of SPIE (January 19 2009)

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