Author Affiliations +
P. Fochuk,1 I. Nakonechnyi,1 O. Kopach,1 Ye. Verzhak,1 O. Panchuk,1 V. Komar,2 Igor Terzin,2 Vladimir Kutnij,3 A. Rybka,3 Yevhen Nykoniuk,4 A. E. Bolotnikov,5 G. C. Camarda,5 Y. Cui,5 A. Hossain,5 K. H. Kim,5 G. Yang,5 R. B. James5
1Chernivtsi National Univ. (Ukraine)
2Institute of Single Crystals (Ukraine)
3National Science Ctr. Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology (Ukraine)
4National Univ. of Water Management and Nature Resources Use (Ukraine)
5Brookhaven National Lab. (United States)