31 October 1987 Automation And Robotics And Related Technology Issues For Space Station Customer Servicing
Helmut P. Cline
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Proceedings Volume 0851, Space Station Automation III; (1987)
Event: Advances in Intelligent Robotics Systems, 1987, Cambridge, CA, United States
The evolution of the Space Station's capabilities for customer servicing has been driven by the need to accommodate as broad a set of requirements as possible. At the same time, cost constraints must be weighed against these requirements in order to achieve an affordable program. A thorough analysis of all requirements during the recently completed definition phase of the Space Station Program has led to certain aspects of the Servicing System which will have significant levels of automation associated with them. The key factors which drive these systems in the direction of increasing automation are the limitations inherent in the performance of extravehicular activity (EVA) by the Space Station crew. The Servicing Facility, for example, will incorporate a high degree of automation and teleoperation in its elements in order to free the crew from the burdens associated with EVA. The ultimate goal is to develop the elements of the Servicing System in such a way as to be compatible with and complementary to the Flight Tele-robotic Servicer (FTS). The FTS, being developed by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, will evolve to increasing levels of autonomy to allow the virtual elimination of routine EVA. This paper will focus on those aspects of the Servicing System that will incorporate a significant level of automation and the related technology issues that will need to be more fully explored in the upcoming development phase of the Space Station Program.
© (1987) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Helmut P. Cline "Automation And Robotics And Related Technology Issues For Space Station Customer Servicing", Proc. SPIE 0851, Space Station Automation III, (31 October 1987);
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