31 October 1987 Space Station Flight Telerobotic Servicer Functional Requirements Development
John Oberright, Harry McCain, Ruth I. Whitman
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Proceedings Volume 0851, Space Station Automation III; (1987)
Event: Advances in Intelligent Robotics Systems, 1987, Cambridge, CA, United States
The Space Station Flight Telerobotic Servicer (FTS) is a flight robotic system for use on the first Space Station launch. The FTS is being designed as a multipurpose tool with the major objective of providing an alternative to astronaut extravehicular activity (EVA) for Space Station assembly, maintenance, servicing, and inspection. Even though neither the Space Station nor the Space Station payloads have been finalized, development schedules for the FTS call for the development of a rational and comprehensive set of FTS functional requirements so that the program can proceed. This paper describes the FTS system architecture and the analysis procedures that are being applied to develop the FTS functional requirements. The FTS Project has adopted a generic, hierarchical control system architecture which allows for comparison of the various potential control system approaches, accommodates potential hardware and software interface requirements, and supports both system enhancements and growth. A Robotic Assessment Test Set (RATS), compatible with the selected FTS system architecture, has been developed to provide a representative sample of potential FTS activities. The intent of the RATS is to help determine the "tall poles" in the FTS design requirements and to provide a basis for comparison of competing FTS design approaches. Each of the tasks in the RATS must stand alone as a mission and has thee following two characteristics: first, the activity concepts are sufficiently advanced that drawings and dimensions are available; and second, the activities/tasks are representative of many of the real tasks that will be performed on the Space Station. Currently thirteen tasks have been analyzed. These RATS tasks involve assembly, maintenance and servicing activities. This paper will describe the FTS system architecture format and the procedure that is being implemented to develop functional requirements for the FTS.
© (1987) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
John Oberright, Harry McCain, and Ruth I. Whitman "Space Station Flight Telerobotic Servicer Functional Requirements Development", Proc. SPIE 0851, Space Station Automation III, (31 October 1987); Logo
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