Drought monitoring models and products assist decision makers in drought planning, preparation, and mitigation, all of which can play a role in reducing drought impacts. In this study, the performance of two newly developed remote sensing-based drought indices, the perpendicular drought index (PDI) and modified perpendicular drought index (MPDI), are further explored for regional drought monitoring in agricultural regions located in central and south western Asia. The study area covers regions from moderate and wet climatological zones with dense vegetation coverage to semi-arid and arid climatological conditions with moderate to poor vegetation coverage. The spatio-temporal patterns of surface drought derived by PDI and MPDI from 250m MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data in 8-day time steps are compared against two other drought indices: the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) as a meteorological drought index and the potential evapotranspiration (ET0) as an agro-meteorological drought index, which both were calculated based on field-measured precipitation and regional meteorological parameters. In addition, 8-day MODIS Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was calculated and its performance to detect drought occurrence and measuring of drought severity compared with the two perpendicular drought indices. Significant correlations were found between the PDI, the MPDI and precipitation and other applied meteorological and agrometeorological drought indices. The results confirm previous studies which has been analyzing the PDI and the MPDI over some study points in Iran. In this research, however, implementation of higher resolution data (MOD09Q1) in both spatial (250 m) and temporal (8-days) dimensions revealed a greater agreement between the drought information extracted by the MPDI, PDI and field meteorological measurements. It could be concluded that the applied perpendicular indices could be used as a drought early warning system over case study region and other regions with similar arid and semi-arid climatological conditions.