29 November 2012 Resonant optical nonlinearity of Nb-doped silica fiber measured with LPFG interferometer
Litao Wang, Na Chen, Qiang Guo, Zhenyi Chen, Yunqi Liu, Tingyun Wang
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Recently, specialty fibers with various functional material doping have attracted significant attention. In this paper, we fabricated Nb-doped silica fiber and measured its resonant optical nonlinearity with long-period fiber gratings (LPFG) interferometer. The Nb-doped fiber was made with a combined MCVD and ALD technology. Then, we fabricated a pair of LPFGs and cascaded them as a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI).By measuring the wavelength shifts of the interference fringe with the 532nm laser pump power, the resonant nonlinear refractive index of Nb-doped silica fiber around 1537 nm was estimated to be 8.12×10-16m2/W.
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Litao Wang, Na Chen, Qiang Guo, Zhenyi Chen, Yunqi Liu, and Tingyun Wang "Resonant optical nonlinearity of Nb-doped silica fiber measured with LPFG interferometer", Proc. SPIE 8554, Quantum and Nonlinear Optics II, 85541R (29 November 2012);
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Optical fibers

Nonlinear optics

Refractive index


Atomic layer deposition


Fiber lasers


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