13 March 2013 Progress in extended wavelength VCSEL technology
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Vixar has been developing VCSELs at both shorter (680nm) and longer (1850nm) wavelengths. This paper reports on advances in technology at both of these wavelengths. 680nm VCSELs based upon the AlGaAs/AlGaInP materials system were designed and fabricated for high speed operation for plastic optical fiber (POF) based links for industrial, automotive and consumer applications. High speed testing was performed in a “back-to-back” configuration over short lengths of glass fiber, over 42 meters of POF, with and without I.C. drivers and preamps, and over temperature. Performance to 90°C, 10 Gbps and over 40 meters of plastic optical fiber has been demonstrated. Reliability testing has been performed over a range of temperatures and currents. Preliminary results predict a TT1% failure of at least 240,000 hours at 40°C and an average current modulation of 4mA. In addition, the VCSELs survive 1000 hours at 85% humidity 85°C in a non-hermetic package. 1850nm InP based VCSELs are being developed for optical neurostimulation. The goals are to optimize the output power and power conversion efficiency. 7mW of DC output power has been demonstrated at room temperature, as well as a power conversion efficiency of 12%. Devices operate to 85°C. Over 70mW of pulsed power has been achieved from a 35 VCSEL array, with a pulse width of 10μsec.
© (2013) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Klein Johnson, Matthew Dummer, Mary Hibbs-Brenner, William Hogan, and Charles Steidl "Progress in extended wavelength VCSEL technology", Proc. SPIE 8639, Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers XVII, 863905 (13 March 2013); Logo
Cited by 5 scholarly publications.
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