31 January 2013 Evaluation of vibration transducer resolution by using intrinsic microseism
Chenguang Cai, Jiaping Xu, Jingsheng Li
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Proceedings Volume 8759, Eighth International Symposium on Precision Engineering Measurement and Instrumentation; 87594N (2013)
Event: International Symposium on Precision Engineering Measurement and Instrumentation 2012, 2012, Chengdu, China
The intrinsic microseism in a precision metrology laboratory of National Institute of Metrology is used to evaluate the resolution of vibration transducers. The precision metrology laboratory is located in the Changping experimental base of National Institute of Metrology. The intrinsic microseism has been measured since 2003. The frequency of the intrinsic microseism is about 3.2 Hz, and the velocity magnitude of the intrinsic microseism is about 5×10-8 m/s. The long term measure proved the frequency and magnitude of the intrinsic microseism is stable, and it can be used as a natural standard to evaluate the resolution of vibration transducers. The vibration transducers and a reference vibration transducer are located in a seismic block. The reference vibration transducer has enough vibration resolution to measure the intrinsic microseism. The vibration transducers and the reference vibration transducer measure and record the ambient vibration at the same time in a measurement period, e.g. 15 minutes, 2 hours or 24 hours. The recorded data are analyzed by FFT with average analysis in full-time process to gain the average spectrum. If the 3.2 Hz intrinsic microseism could be measured by the vibration transducers, the resolution of the vibration transducers will precede the magnitude of the 3.2 Hz intrinsic microseism which is measured by the reference vibration transducer. The signal noise ratio in the average spectrum can further affect the measure results.
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Chenguang Cai, Jiaping Xu, and Jingsheng Li "Evaluation of vibration transducer resolution by using intrinsic microseism", Proc. SPIE 8759, Eighth International Symposium on Precision Engineering Measurement and Instrumentation, 87594N (31 January 2013);
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