14 March 2013 Kannada character recognition system using neural network
Suresh D. S. Kumar, Srinivasa Kalyan Kamalapuram, Ajay B. R. Kumar
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Proceedings Volume 8768, International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP 2012); 876843 (2013)
Event: 2012 International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing, 2012, Singapore, Singapore
Handwriting recognition has been one of the active and challenging research areas in the field of pattern recognition. It has numerous applications which include, reading aid for blind, bank cheques and conversion of any hand written document into structural text form. As there is no sufficient number of works on Indian language character recognition especially Kannada script among 15 major scripts in India. In this paper an attempt is made to recognize handwritten Kannada characters using Feed Forward neural networks. A handwritten Kannada character is resized into 20x30 Pixel. The resized character is used for training the neural network. Once the training process is completed the same character is given as input to the neural network with different set of neurons in hidden layer and their recognition accuracy rate for different Kannada characters has been calculated and compared. The results show that the proposed system yields good recognition accuracy rates comparable to that of other handwritten character recognition systems.
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Suresh D. S. Kumar, Srinivasa Kalyan Kamalapuram, and Ajay B. R. Kumar "Kannada character recognition system using neural network", Proc. SPIE 8768, International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP 2012), 876843 (14 March 2013); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Neural networks

Optical character recognition


Binary data

Image processing

Pattern recognition

Artificial neural networks


Contemporary deep recurrent learning for recognition
Proceedings of SPIE (May 01 2017)
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