15 October 2013 Freeform polishing with UltraForm Finishing
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Proceedings Volume 8884, Optifab 2013; 88840N (2013)
Event: SPIE Optifab, 2013, Rochester, New York, United States
Recently, the desire to use freeform optics has been increasing. Freeform optics can be used to expand the capabilities of optical systems. These same traits that give freeform optics the ability to improve optical systems, also makes them more challenging to manufacture. This holds true for grinding, polishing, and metrology, and, as freeform optics become more prevalent in the industry, tolerances will become more stringent. OptiPro Systems has developed a method of deterministic freeform polishing to be used with its UltraForm Finishing (UFF) process. This method uses the error map of the surface to determine the appropriate feed rates for removing a portion of the error from the surface of the optic. The material removed varies across the surface of the optic to allow for the error to decrease across the surface at a uniform rate. The flexibility of this method allows for the deterministic polishing of surfaces that can be mathematically modeled. In addition to deterministic polishing, OptiPro is also developing a software package for generating freeform tool paths. This software can be used for both grinding and polishing freeform optics. It has the ability to generate the freeform tool paths for deterministic polishing. This software will make is easier to manufacture and polish complex freeform surfaces.
© (2013) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Franciscus Wolfs, Edward Fess, and Scott DeFisher "Freeform polishing with UltraForm Finishing", Proc. SPIE 8884, Optifab 2013, 88840N (15 October 2013); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Surface finishing

Freeform optics

Optics manufacturing

Computer aided design




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