3 February 2014 Real time moving object detection using motor signal and depth map for robot car
Hao Wu, Wan-Chi Siu
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Proceedings Volume 9025, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXXI: Algorithms and Techniques; 90250P (2014)
Event: IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, 2014, San Francisco, California, United States
Moving object detection from a moving camera is a fundamental task in many applications. For the moving robot car vision, the background movement is 3D motion structure in nature. In this situation, the conventional moving object detection algorithm cannot be use to handle the 3D background modeling effectively and efficiently. In this paper, a novel scheme is proposed by utilizing the motor control signal and depth map obtained from a stereo camera to model the perspective transform matrix between different frames under a moving camera. In our approach, the coordinate relationship between frames during camera moving is modeled by a perspective transform matrix which is obtained by using current motor control signals and the pixel depth value. Hence, the relationship between a static background pixel and the moving foreground corresponding to the camera motion can be related by a perspective matrix. To enhance the robustness of classification, we allowed a tolerance range during the perspective transform matrix prediction and used multi-reference frames to classify the pixel on current frame. The proposed scheme has been found to be able to detect moving objects for our moving robot car efficiently. Different from conventional approaches, our method can model the moving background in 3D structure, without online model training. More importantly, the computational complexity and memory requirement are low making it possible to implement this scheme in real-time, which is even valuable for a robot vision system.
© (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Hao Wu and Wan-Chi Siu "Real time moving object detection using motor signal and depth map for robot car", Proc. SPIE 9025, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXXI: Algorithms and Techniques, 90250P (3 February 2014); Logo
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3D modeling


Robot vision

Motion models

Signal detection

Visual process modeling



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