17 April 2014 EUV resists towards 11nm half-pitch
Yasin Ekinci, Michaela Vockenhuber, Nassir Mojarad, Daniel Fan
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As extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUVL) prepares for its insertion into the high-volume manufacturing phase, many challenges still remain to be addressed. Among several issues, development of EUV resists with tight specifications of sensitivity (dose), resolution (HP) and line-edge roughness (LER) is required. Chemically-amplified resists (CARs) have been the major paradigm in the development of EUV resists, although several alternatives, such as molecular resists and inorganic resists, are also under development. Here we present a comparative study of the performance of CARs using the PSI’s EUV interference lithography tool, which can achieve patterning down to 7 nm HP. Also the current status of EUV resist availability towards 11 nm HP technology nodes is discussed. We show resolution down to 12 nm HP with CARs. Nevertheless, for patterning below 18 nm HP, the resolution is achieved at the expanse of sensitivity and LER. The global trend of decreasing sensitivity with increasing LER is valid across the different resists. This trade-off between resolution, LER, and sensitivity (i.e. RLS trade-off) is mainly dominated by the acid diffusion blur and remains a challenge. In addition, pattern collapse becomes a significant problem with increasing resolution. This can be partly overcome by the reducing the resist thickness, which leads to an increase in LER. Therefore, a new trade-off between pattern-collapse limited resolution and LER emerges. These two trade-offs make the progress in EUV resist development increasingly difficult.
© (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yasin Ekinci, Michaela Vockenhuber, Nassir Mojarad, and Daniel Fan "EUV resists towards 11nm half-pitch", Proc. SPIE 9048, Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Lithography V, 904804 (17 April 2014); Logo
Cited by 8 scholarly publications and 2 patents.
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Line edge roughness

Extreme ultraviolet

Extreme ultraviolet lithography


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