2 April 2014 Metrology for directed self-assembly block lithography using optical scatterometry
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Directed self-assembly (DSA) shows considerable promise as a cost-effective manufacturing technique for advanced sub-20 nm patterning. Along with continued progress, the patterning process requires advances in both CD metrology and high-speed characterization of DSA defectivity. This work is a report on the study of Mueller matrix spectroscopic ellipsometry (MMSE) scatterometry measurements of 28 nm pitch DSA line/space patterns consisting of polystyrene-block- polymethylmethacrylate (PS-b-PMMA) block copolymer sample fabricated using a chemical epitaxy process. Generalized ellipsometric data (all 16 Mueller elements) is collected over a spectral range from 245 to 1700 nm for various different pre-pattern pitch/guide strip combinations created by modulating the pre-pattern photoresist CD. Scatterometry is used to evaluate and calculate the CD, line shapes, and thicknesses of the plasma developed PS patterns (PMMA removed). Likewise, spectral comparisons based on anisotropy and depolarization are used to determine the DSA pattern defectivity. CD-SEM metrology and imaging is also conducted as a comparative metric for scatterometry. The sensitivity of MMSE to pre-pattern pitch and pitch multiplication on PS line CD and defectivity is demonstrated. Slight imperfections in the line/space pattern as well as fingerprint like patterns (undirected assembly) can be distinguished from aligned patterns using MMSE scatterometry.
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Dhairya Dixit, Vimal Kamineni, Richard Farrell, Erik Hosler, Moshe Preil, Joseph Race, Brennan Peterson, and Alain C. Diebold "Metrology for directed self-assembly block lithography using optical scatterometry", Proc. SPIE 9050, Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography XXVIII, 90500N (2 April 2014); Logo
Cited by 7 scholarly publications.
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Directed self assembly

3D modeling

Chemical elements


Picosecond phenomena

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