9 March 2014 3D assisted defect recognition for the ultrasonic waveform inspection of titanium components
Andrew F. Ferro, Patrick J. Howard
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Titanium aircraft engine forgings are inspected at all material depths using the ultrasonic testing (UT) process called multizone inspection. This process creates a raster array of 1D A-Scan signals that image the material’s underlying characteristics, which in the case of forged titanium, result in highly variable noise. The 3D volume is analyzed as a stack of 2D depth slices that are gated into C-Scans. The intention is to accept or reject the part by examining for the presence of small anomalies in these images in terms of their signal to noise ratio (SNR). Ultrasonic testing inspectors determine that rejection decision by using specialized image software and a 2D assisted defect recognition (ADR) algorithm. This approach for calculating SNR greatly reduces inspector subjectivity compared to a manual approach, but in 2D, not all available information is used to determine a true detection. Enabling ADR to use the 3D volume for the forging inspection, an automated SNR calculation has been extended to address these issues. The 3D ADR algorithm’s life cycle from design to validation will be discussed. Validation testing results have shown that 3D ADR significantly increases probability of detection compared to 2D ADR while also reducing its false positive rate.
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Andrew F. Ferro and Patrick J. Howard "3D assisted defect recognition for the ultrasonic waveform inspection of titanium components", Proc. SPIE 9063, Nondestructive Characterization for Composite Materials, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Infrastructure, and Homeland Security 2014, 906305 (9 March 2014);
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Signal to noise ratio



Detection and tracking algorithms

Image processing

Signal processing


A Microprogrammable Processor For Image Operations
Proceedings of SPIE (December 19 1985)
Fault monitoring using acoustic emissions
Proceedings of SPIE (May 31 1999)
Design of an IRI track system
Proceedings of SPIE (April 01 1993)
Differential coding and processing of images
Proceedings of SPIE (September 10 1999)

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