28 November 2013 Dependence of Nd:YAG laser derusting and passivation of iron artifacts on pulse duration
Iacopo Osticioli, Salvatore Siano
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Proceedings Volume 9065, Fundamentals of Laser-Assisted Micro- and Nanotechnologies 2013; 906513 (2013)
Event: Fundamentals of Laser Assisted Micro- and Nanotechnologies 2013, 2013, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
In this work laser derusting and passivation process of iron objects of conservation interest were investigated. In particular, the effects induced by laser irradiation of three lasers with different temporal emission regimes were studied, exhibiting very different behavior. Nd:YAG(1064 nm) laser systems were employed in the experiments: a Q-Switching laser with pulse duration of 8 ns, a Long Q-Switching laser with pulse duration of 120 ns and a Short Free Running pulse duration in a range of 40–120 μs. These lasers are commonly used in conservation. Lasers treatments were applied on iron samples subjected to natural weathering in outdoor conditions for about five years. Moreover some experiments were also performed on metallic parts of an original chandelier from the seventies as well as on a deeply corroded Roman sword. Results obtained reveals that longer pulse duration leads to phase changes on the rust layer and a homogeneous black-grayish coating is formed on the surface (identified as magnetite) after treatment. Whereas, QS laser pulses are capable to induce ablation of the corrosion layer exposing the pure metal underneath. Finally, LQS interaction includes deep ablation with localized micro-melting of the metal surface and partial transformation of the residual mineral areas was observed. The irradiation results were characterized through optical and BS- ESEM along with Raman spectroscopy, which allowed a clear phenomenological differentiation among the three operating regimes and provided information on their optimal exploitation in restoration of iron artifacts.
© (2013) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Iacopo Osticioli and Salvatore Siano "Dependence of Nd:YAG laser derusting and passivation of iron artifacts on pulse duration", Proc. SPIE 9065, Fundamentals of Laser-Assisted Micro- and Nanotechnologies 2013, 906513 (28 November 2013); Logo
Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
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Pulsed laser operation



Raman spectroscopy


Laser ablation


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