19 June 2014 Tracking nautical objects in real-time via layered saliency detection
Matthew Dawkins, Zhaohui Sun, Arslan Basharat, Amitha Perera, Anthony Hoogs
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Traditional motion-based trackers often fail in maritime environments due to a lack of image features to help stabilize video. In this paper, we describe a computationally efficient approach which automatically detects, tracks and classifies different objects within aerial full motion video (FMV) sequences in the maritime domain. A multi-layered saliency detector is utilized to first remove any image regions likely belonging to background categories (ie, calm water) followed-by progressively pruning out distractor categories such as wake, debris, and reflection. This pruning stage combines features generated at the level of each individual pixel, with 2D descriptors formulated around the outputs of prior stages grouped into connected components. Additional false positive reduction is performed via aggregating detector outputs across multiple frames, by formulating object tracks from these detections and, lastly, by classifying the resultant tracks using machine learning techniques. As a by-product, our system also produces image descriptors specific to each individual object, which are useful in later pipeline elements for appearance-based indexing and matching.
© (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Matthew Dawkins, Zhaohui Sun, Arslan Basharat, Amitha Perera, and Anthony Hoogs "Tracking nautical objects in real-time via layered saliency detection", Proc. SPIE 9089, Geospatial InfoFusion and Video Analytics IV; and Motion Imagery for ISR and Situational Awareness II, 908903 (19 June 2014); Logo
Cited by 4 scholarly publications.
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Image segmentation


Unmanned aerial vehicles

Automatic tracking

Detection and tracking algorithms


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