22 June 1988 Characteristics And Reliability Of High Power Laser Diodes For Solid-State Lasers Pumping
Takayoshi Mamine, Kazuo Honda, Nozomu Yamaguchi, Masaaki Ayabe, Osamu Yoneyama
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Proceedings Volume 0912, Pulse Single-Frequency Lasers: Technology and Applications; (1988)
Event: 1988 Los Angeles Symposium: O-E/LASE '88, 1988, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Performance characteristics and reliability of the GaAs/AlGaAs one-watt laser diode are reported. The broad area gain-guided lasers have threshold current in the 400 mA range. The farfield radiation angles parallel and perpendicular to the junction are 13 deg and 25 deg, respectively. With a special-designed package which has a built-in thermo electric cooler the emission wavelength can be tuned accurately. These performances are stable during a long term operation except for 1 to 2 nm wavelength shift due to the increase of operation cur-rent in an Automatic Power Control(APC) mode. The extrapolated mean time to failure of 100-500 mW laser diodes are 20,000 hours at room temperature. A similar lifetime can be expected for the one-watt laser at operating temperatures lower than room temperature.
© (1988) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Takayoshi Mamine, Kazuo Honda, Nozomu Yamaguchi, Masaaki Ayabe, and Osamu Yoneyama "Characteristics And Reliability Of High Power Laser Diodes For Solid-State Lasers Pumping", Proc. SPIE 0912, Pulse Single-Frequency Lasers: Technology and Applications, (22 June 1988);
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